This Week at First Universalist

April 6 , 2015


First Universalist Church


First Universalist Church of Rochester, NY



Rev. Celie Katovitch

[email protected]


Director of Music: 

 Bryan Holten

[email protected]  


Director of
Life Span Faith Development:

Michelle Yates

[email protected]

Office Administrator: 

Kris White

 [email protected]
This Week's Service:
The House of Belonging: Membership Sunday

Join us as we welcome new members home, and consider the question, "Why belong?" Rev. Celie Katovitch.

This Week's Drop-In Discussion: Jobs, Co-ops, and the Future of Rochester.  The city needs living wage jobs, and worker-owned co-operatives have advantages over profit-motivated capitalism.  Hank Stone will recount his adventures learning about local jobs, and offer conclusions for discussion.

Stewardship 2015  


Let Your Voice Be Heard! It's Stewardship you know where your pledge card is?  Quite a few of them have already been returned-  and we invite YOU to make your pledge for the 2015-16 year!  If you did not receive a pledge card in the mail,  or if you have misplaced yours,  please check the bulletin board in the Clara Barton lounge,  or see any member of the finance team.  We ask that all pledge cards be returned by Stewardship Sunday,  April 19.   Then celebrate your piece of the "pie" with a real piece of pie during coffee hour!

null Song of Liberty

The words and music of two revolutionaries - Thomas Jefferson and Martin Luther - will be performed as an anthem, "Song of Liberty," edited and arranged by Keith Stott, during the worship service at First Universalist Church, 150 South Clinton Ave., on Sunday, April 12.  April 13 is Jefferson's birthday.


Author/composer Stott is a member of the music and library committees of the church. 

Adult Religious Education


"Articulating Our UU Faith" This three session workshop considers how do we talk about, share or answer questions about our faith as Unitarian Universalists. Wednesday evenings - April 22nd, 29th and May 6th - 6:30-8:00 p.m. RSVP to Michelle at (585)310-2484 or [email protected].

This Week at First Universalist




April 6


RAIHN Host Week



April 7


RAIHN Host Week



April 8



Announcement Deadline, noon


Worship Associates Meeting, Volunteer Office, 7 pm


RAIHN Host Week



April 9



e-bulletin Deadline, noon


Eastman Concert Series, Sanctuary, 12:15 pm


RAIHN Host Week



April 10


RAIHN Host Week



April 11



Path to Membership Class, Clara Barton Lounge, 10 am


SNYP AA, Clara Barton Lounge and Adult Lounge, 8 pm


RAIHN Host Week



April 12



Choir Rehearsal, Choir Room, 9 am


Drop-In Discussion, Adult Lounge, 9:15 am


Sunday Service, Sanctuary, 10:30 am


Food Ingathering, Sanctuary, 10:45 am


Coffee Hour, Clara Barton Lounge, 11:45 am


RAIHN Host Week ends


Thank you for keeping us updated, both when you schedule events and when you need to cancel one!  Please continue to do so.  Send news of your events to [email protected]; or call 546-2826.



EASTMAN LUNCHTIME CONCERT SERIES: Concerts are held in the sanctuary each Thursday at 12:15 pm. They are free and open to the public.



APRIL 11: Path to Membership class, Saturday, April 11, from 10-12:30.  We will  spend time together exploring the dimensions of membership, and share a tasty brunch.  Those deciding to become members will be formally welcomed into the congregation on Membership Sunday, April 12. If you cannot join us on April 11 but are interested in membership, please contact Reverend Celie as soon as possible.


APRIL 12:FOOD INGATHERING is next Sunday, April 12. Donations of non-perishable food items will be collected to benefit The Community Food Cupboard on Nester Street. There is a particular need for low-sodium canned vegetables and soup, as ell as canned tuna, mac & cheese, and cold cereal.


APRIL 15:ROC FOR $15: April 15, 5 pm, Eastman Quad U of R. Join us for this national mass march and rally to end poverty wages for all. The goal is to have 1,000 marchers in Rochester. For more info, contact Marie Sidoti at 467-9135.

APRIL 26: BOOK CLUB: April's book choice is Rodrigo's Land written by our very own Steve Farrington. We will meet April 26th at noon in the adult lounge. Join us for this sure to be lively discussion. The author will be present. Contact Sarah Singal or Shirley Bond. 

Dreams become reality one choice at a time. ~ Tara Beth Workman
First Universalist Church | 150 S. Clinton Ave. | Rochester, NY 14604