Do Justice
Welcome to Do Justice, a semi-monthly newsletter of the Virginia Synod, lifting up God’s call and command that we, God’s people, do justice. You will find helpful info about justice ministries in congregations, around Virginia, and through the ELCA. If you have stories of justice to share from your congregation, please share those with me at so I can share them with others in the synod!

The Rev. Kelly Bayer Derrick
Assistant to the Bishop
Tuesday, June 25, is the International Day of the Seafarer. In the words of the hymn,
Eternal Father, Strong to Save (ELW 756), we pray for sailors and all who travel by sea:

Eternal Father, strong to save,
whose arm has bound the restless wave,
who bade the mighty ocean deep
its own appointed limits keep:
oh, hear us when we cry to thee
for those in peril on the sea.
“Free Trip to Egypt”
Instead of gathering at church for Potluck Dinner and Bible Study on Wednesday, June 12th, a bunch of us from Grace split into two groups and went to see the movie “Free Trip to Egypt.” The showings we attended were part of a one-day nationwide event called “Day of Unity,” which donned the hashtag #PlegeToListen.
Celebrating Juneteenth: Remembering the Past While Looking Forward
On January 1, 1863, the Emancipation Proclamation freed 3.1 million of the nation’s 4 million enslaved people. On June 19, 1865 enslaved Africans in the state of Texas and parts of Louisiana received word of their emancipation 2.5 years later. The celebratory date is known as Juneteenth (June plus nineteenth). The date is honored by remembering the legacy of enslaved African ancestors, worship services, family gatherings and speaking out against racial injustices. Over the years, Juneteenth has become a widespread celebration in over 41 states. From formal gala events that raise funds for academic scholarships; to family day events filled with music and good BBQ; to soulful gospel Sunday brunches–Juneteenth calls us to remember the journey of the past while looking forward with hope for a brighter future.
World Refuge Day 2019 – Lutheran Church Leaders stand with refugees
"If we don't stand with them, who will?" Lutheran church leaders from Asia, Africa, Europe and America explain the biblical command and calling to support refugees.
ELCA Hunger Advocacy Fellow in Richmond, Virginia
Through the support of ELCA World Hunger, ELCA Advocacy works in partnership with statewide advocacy ministry networks across the United States to end hunger by engaging directly with local, state and national governments and equipping people of faith to seek justice through advocacy. Each office relates to the synods in their state and works closely with hunger leaders and synod teams.

For a complete position description, and to apply, click here.
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