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Cabin Fever 
Contributed by Nancy Bowden, Director of Advocacy

Got a little cabin fever, do ya? Ahh, it's okay to admit it; most parents get that feeling about now, the overwhelming feeling that your kiddos have got to go to CAMP! Good news: now is the time to get your kiddos enrolled, signed up, and/or otherwise registered for spring break camps and/or summer camps.

Exploring Local Activities on a Budget
Contributed by Hanni Raley, Director of Systems Advocacy

With spring and summer breaks rapidly approaching, many families are scratching their heads, wondering, "How am I going to maintain my sanity AND keep my kids entertained while they aren't in school?" Luckily, the Denver Metro area has plenty of free activities, prime for exploring to break up the tedium of school breaks. Some popular sites, with free days and accessibility resources, are listed here.

It's Time to Think About Extended School Year 
Contributed by Jeff Fernengel, Advocate

Now is the time! Every year, Extended School Year (ESY) should be considered in your child's annual plan. If your meeting was earlier in the school year and your team said, "We can revisit ESY services later," today is the day to do that!

Summer Fun at Summer Camps so Parents Get Summer Breaks, Too
Contributed by Laura Miller, Advocate

Summertime is often thought to be filled with lazy days spent relaxing, reading, going to the pool, or perhaps taking a lovely family vacation. And then, we realize that isn't how summer vacation actually happens. Instead there are still therapy sessions, doctor's appointments, possibly summer school, work and all of the other day-to-day life realities. However, summertime does offer some unique opportunities for your kiddo that aren't usually offered during the regular school year. These opportunities come in the way of SUMMER CAMP! There are half-day options, all-day options, and even in some cases, overnight retreats.

Kristen Blackwell, Administrative Assistant
The Arc of Aurora | [email protected] | 720-213-1420 |
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