Duck Creek Connector Construction Now In Progress
Project to be completed by end of 2017
On the northeast corner of Red Bank Expressway and Madison Road, preparations are well-underway for the Duck Creek Connector, which will establish a new, direct connection between Duck Creek Road and Madison Road at Medpace Way.
Click the image above to view a larger version of the map.

Over the past few months, the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) has been preparing this site for construction of the new road:
  • Crews have cleared the site and are now installing a drainage system and a culvert over the creek to Duck Creek Road
  • The Metropolitan Sewer District of Greater Cincinnati is installing new sewer pipes to improve service in the area
  • Crews will soon begin building a retaining wall that will run along the east side of the new road
The majority of roadway construction is expected to have minimal impact on traffic traveling on Red Bank and Madison. However, some brief delays may be experienced as work vehicles enter and exit the construction site. Flaggers will be on hand to help maintain the flow of traffic at these times.  In a further effort to minimize disruptions to local traffic , the project team is also coordinating regularly with crews managing the construction of mixed-used developments now taking shape on the southeast and southwest corners of the Red Bank and Madison intersection.   
A component of the Eastern Corridor Program of transportation improvements, the Duck Creek Connector project was developed in coordination with local community, business and school representatives, and other area stakeholders. The project is one of five elements of the Red Bank Corridor Improvement Plan, which will create a balance of mobility and access to better serve local communities, businesses and neighborhoods, while at the same time, improve travel along the Red Bank Expressway and Madison Road corridor.

Construction of the Duck Creek Connector is expected to conclude by the end of 2017. We will continue to send out updates as work moves forward. 

For additional updates on Red Bank Corridor Improvement Plan components, visit the Red Bank Corridor pages of the Eastern Corridor website.
Eastern Corridor Implementation Partners