Saving Patient Access to Life-Saving Compounded Medications  is  a Patient-Safety Issue.

Patients & Physicians Depend Upon Compounded Medications...
Every day, compounding pharmacists serve patients in a variety of areas  including: autism, oncology, dermatology and pediatrics. Compounding pharmacists also have served patients such as pre-term infants who require parenteral nutrition (PN). PN provides intravenous life-saving therapy for patients whose gastrointestinal (GI) tracts are not functioning or cannot be accessed or where nutritional needs cannot be met with oral or enteral diets. These are just a few examples of how compounding pharmacists are working with physicians to provide life-saving medications for patients.  
Compounded medications have helped our autistic, teenaged son and are a necessary part of his treatment. He uses a custom nasal spray that has to be compounded once per month. It does not contain any additives or preservatives, is specific to his disability, and is necessary for our son's optimum behavior and functioning. Our son has many allergies, and cannot tolerate gluten, casein, starch, dyes, glutamates, gelatin, corn starch, high fructose corn syrup or anything processed. If our son is exposed to these he does not sleep, becomes hyperactive, and aggressive.  Without compounding, our son would not be able to access any prescriptions. A child experiencing a negative reaction from a drug can be handled; but, an adult is so much more challenging. There always will be patients who can't tolerate some pharmaceuticals, and will need custom compounding. - T. Ryan
As a physician, there are times that I can't offer a commercially available  product to my patient to help with their condition. Compounding has offered them solutions not otherwise available. I have patients with food allergies and sensitivities. Being able to have medications made specifically for them avoiding their allergens is lifesaving and offers piece of mind. I have also personally benefited from compounding and feel that this is a very valuable option that I would like available for my own healthcare as well as my patients. - Dr. T. Odell