Get your membership in by September 10 so that we can recognize our members in the 2017-2018 Playbill that is used for every show!!
More Info found  HERE Donate HERE  orPrint Forn  HERE
2017-2018 Membership!!

FCT is inviting you to join us in membershipnfor our 2017-18 Season! We have several different levels available for you to join.  This is a member run 501c3 organization. Your donation more than $25 is tax deductible. You will receive a receipt to use for tax purposes.
Members get their name in the 2017-18 playbill and on our website.
Donate here.
or print form here

FCT could sure use the community's help. Please see below how YOU can help us! If you can help in anyway, 
Please contact us at or call and leave your phone number at 540-349-8760.

1.  FCT needs 4-6 seamstresses who are willing to sew costumes during out 2016-2017 season. Please let us know if you might be available to donate a bit of time. The amount of time can be determined by you. 

2. We need 3 ladies who are willing to come to a few rehearsals in October and 6 performances in November (Nov. 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12) to do quick change dressing (peeling off clothes, etc) of actors for an upcoming show. 

3. We are in desperate need of a storage place 
for our props. ( garage, barn, back room of an office building, etc) The only requirement is that it has light and is weatherproof. We do not need outlets. It does not have to be climate controlled. We are a 501c3 organization and the space can be donated and used as a deduction off of your taxes as well as a few other perks that we can offer you.

 FCT is partially supported by a grant from the Virginia Commission for the 
                                    Arts and the National Endowment of the Arts.