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January 4, 2017
CASA Weighs in on Climate Change 2030 Scoping Plan
Just before the holidays, CASA provided
comments to the California Air Resources Board (CARB) on the 2030 Target Scoping Plan Update Discussion Draft. Our comments strongly supported incentivizing the production of renewable natural gas from biogas generated at POTWs. CASA expressed support for CARB's approach to achieving the 2030 targets through integrated systems and offered several proposals to improve the plan. These included the importance of documenting the impacts of the loss of cap-and-trade auction revenues on statewide greenhouse gas emission reductions if the program is not renewed.
CARB is expected to release another draft mid-January, which will provide another opportunity for comment. A hearing is planned for January 25-26, 2017 on the full Draft Scoping Plan.
Feasibility Report on Potable Reuse Sent to the Legislature
report delivered to the State Legislature on December 29 by the State Water Resources Control Board concludes that it is feasible to develop and adopt regulations for using recycled water as drinking water, provided that certain research and key knowledge gaps are addressed.
Senate Bill 918 (Pavley, 2010) and SB 322 (Hueso, 2013) directed the State Water Board to investigate the feasibility of creating regulations for direct potable reuse (DPR). DPR is the addition of recycled water directly into a drinking water system or into a raw water supply immediately upstream of a drinking water treatment plant. No other state has yet developed regulations specifically for direct potable reuse. [more...]
Winter Conference to Feature Panel on Successful Community Events
Do wastewater plants make good neighbors? Plan to join us in Palm Springs and learn from several general managers and communications professionals about engaging your community through plant tours and open houses. They'll share their agencies' success stories and their do's and don'ts for successfully opening your doors to your customers. There's still time to register for the winter conference, which also features remarks by Assembly Republican Leader Chad Mayes and the popular roundtable series on topics as diverse as asset management, rate setting and nutrient policy. View the preliminary program
here and
register today!
Legislative Leadership Taking Shape
On Tuesday, December 27th, Assembly Speaker Anthony
Rendon announced the Assembly leadership and committee chairs for the 2017 Session. Of particular interest to CASA are the chairs for the policy committees that hear most of the legislation we work on each year. Assembly Member Bill Quirk will chair the Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Committee; Assembly Member Cecilia Aguiar-Curry will chair the Local Government Committee; Assembly Member Cristina Garcia will chair the Natural Resources Committee; Assembly Member Eduardo Garcia will chair the Water, Parks, and Wildlife Committee; and Assembly Member Chris Holden will chair the Utilities and Energy Committee. The full Assembly committee rosters are still being decided and will be released soon.
The Senate released its leadership and committee assignments on December 21st. Senator Bob Wieckowski will continue to chair the Environmental Quality Committee and Senator Bob Hertzberg is the new Chair of the Natural Resources and Water Committee. Senator Ben Hueso will continue as the Chair of the Energy, Utilities, and Communications Committee.
CASA Seeks Grant to Study Uses of Biochar
CASA is continuing its leadership in the area of sustainability by taking on research in a new area. In partnership with multiple entities (including the Sierra Nevada Conservancy and the Governor's Tree Mortality Task Force) CASA will apply for a U.S. Forest Service Wood Innovations grant to test the applicability of tree mortality biochar as a gas phase wastewater filtration medium. California's forests are experiencing an unprecedented tree mortality crisis with over 100 million trees killed by drought-related insect infestations in the last 6 years. CASA's application, if successful, will fund applied research and demonstrations to test whether biochar produced from forest biomass can act as an effective substitute for imported granular activated carbon in gas phase odor control systems.
There are many ways for members to become involved. Consider offering your wastewater facility as a comparison site or submit a letter of support for the project by January 20th. For more information or to obtain a copy of the template support letter, contact
Greg Kester.
Webinar on Fire Ravaged Lands Research Slated for January 12
CASA is pleased to be partnering with the Water Environment and Reuse Foundation (WE&RF) on a targeted collaborative research project to research the use of biosolids to reclaim lands that have experienced fire damage. This research project will analyze whether the use of biosolids will enhance the restoration of ecosystems and also analyze if the application of biosolids reduces the risk and severity of future wildfires.
A free webinar has been scheduled for 9:00 a.m. PST on January 12, 2017 to provide information, answer questions and talk about how you and your organization can get involved. To RSVP, email Lauren Baden.
Controversial Toxicity Test Method Challenged in Court
On December 19, a coalition of wastewater associations including the Southern California Alliance of POTWs (SCAP), the Central Valley Clean Water Association, the Bay Area Clean Water Agencies (BACWA) and the National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA) filed
suit against USEPA in federal court seeking to halt the use of an unapproved toxicity test method for compliance in California discharge permits.
USEPA has pressed the state to require use of the test of significant toxicity (TST) to determine compliance with effluent limitations. Federal regulations do not identify the TST as an accepted test method, and the lawsuit alleges that use of the TST will result in higher costs to dischargers and potential enforcement jeopardy as a result of the increased frequency of false positives associated with the TST. [more...]
Welcome to the following New Members!
- City of Roseville, Environmental Utilities - Wastewater
- Nanostone Water, Inc.
- NHA Advisors
- Opterra Energy Services, Inc.
- StormFisher Environmental Ltd.
We look forward to meeting our newest members at the winter conference.
Congratulations to CASA associate member Brent Ives, who has published
a new book. In 52 simple concept lessons, it outlines good board work for public agencies, non-profits and corporate boards and is available on Amazon.
- WE&RF recently released the Potable Reuse Research Compilation: Synthesis of Findings. The report summarizes research and synthesizes the key issues surrounding direct potable reuse (DPR), a form of planned potable reuse in which advanced treated water is added directly into a water distribution system or into a raw water supply immediately upstream of a drinking water treatment facility. The Water Environment Federation and WE&RF will jointly host a web seminar on January 23, 2017, to provide an overview of the key issues, findings, and results of the research synthesis. RSVP here for the webcast.
- USEPA has published the interim final Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) implementation rule and the proposed fee rule. Public comments are welcome on or before February 17, 2017.
- As of January 1, 2017 the State Water Board will only accept official or copies of official college or university transcripts for wastewater operator certification. Even if unofficial transcripts were submitted previously, applicants must resubmit official or copies of official transcripts for new qualifications. For more information, contact the Wastewater Operator Certification Program at (916) 341-5648, or e-mail.
Now Hiring!
CASA members have numerous opportunities
available. Visit our
Job Board
for details.
2017 Dates
Jan. 18-20 |
Palm Springs |
Feb. 27 - March 1 |
Washington, D.C. |
April 19 |
CASA/WateReuse |
Sacramento |