Governor Brown Signs Several Wastewater Related Bills into Law
As shared in our previous issue, this year CASA tracked and provided input on a number of bills that made it to Governor Brown’s desk for his signature or veto. Here’s a brief summary of the bills the Governor signed into law. Each becomes effective January 1, 2018. 

AB 574 (Quirk) – Directs State Water Board to adopt statewide regulations for raw water augmentation and modifies definitions of potable reuse in state law

SB 231 (Hertzberg) – Creates new stormwater financing options by adding storm water to the definition of “sewer” in the Proposition 218 Omnibus Implementation Act

SB 229 (Wieckowski) – Makes Accessory Dwelling Unit law applicable to all special districts

SB 5 (De Leon) – $4 billion parks and water bond that includes $100 million for water recycling projects  

AB 967 (Gloria) – Legalizes and creates new licensure and regulatory processes for biocremation
Advocating for Our Members
Update on Federal Legislative Water Proposals
CASA, along with other stakeholders, testified before Congress in September to provide input on several legislative proposals and promote our federal legislative priorities. As a follow-up, we recently attended a meeting with White House aides where we heard presentations from U.S. EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt, Deputy Chief of Staff Rick Dearborn and Special Assistant to the President for Infrastructure D.J. Gribbin. Here are our key takeaways from the meeting.
  • Infrastructure policy proposals will likely be delayed until after tax reform efforts are complete;
  • There will likely be no increased funding of existing water infrastructure programs;
  • There may be some direct assistance for rural communities, though urban areas will likely have to pursue funding through public private partnerships (P3s) and WIFIA type programs;
  • Regulatory streamlining and P3s will be key pieces of the emerging policy options 
CASA Responds to Proposed Changes to Low Carbon Fuel Standard Program
We recently submitted comments to the California Air Resources Board to weigh in on the proposed changes to the Low Carbon Fuel Standard program. We shared our concerns highlighting that the proposed changes will have significant effects on the program itself and the State’s ability to achieve 2030 mandates and goals. Specifically, we urged the board to incorporate several revisions to the proposed changes and release the proposal for a second round of public comment. 
Industry News & Updates
Water Environment & Reuse Foundation and Water Research Foundation to Integrate into One Organization
The Water Environment & Reuse Foundation and Water Research Foundation Boards of Directors unanimously voted to integrate the two organizations into one research foundation. Beginning January 1, 2018, the new organization will provide a unified source for One Water research and serve as a model for collaboration across the water industry.
Water Equity Clearinghouse Now Available
The US Water Alliance recently announced the release of its Water Equity Clearinghouse . This new online database showcases innovative and promising practices in equitable water management.  
CASA Education Foundation Needs Your Help
Planning is underway for the CASA Education Foundation’s 4th annual fundraising events. On January 25, the associates will host a silent auction and raffle to help raise funds for 2018 scholarships.

You can help by donating silent auction items or making a cash pledge. Here’s a list of suggested items, but we also welcome new ideas. No donation is too small.
  • Vacation packages
  • Professional services
  • Artwork
  • Themed baskets
  • Gift certificates
  • Electronics

Please contact Joyce Gwidt for more information. We appreciate your support of the CASA Education Foundation and the next generation of clean water professionals!
Mark Your Calendar
PPIC Event – Priorities for California’s Water
Thursday, October 26; 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Sheraton Grand Hotel, Sacramento
Join PPIC Water Policy Center researchers and a diverse group of experts for a thought-provoking discussion about policy priorities for the coming water year. This conference looks at issues that are front and center for managing California’s water supply and natural environment. Topics include:
  • Legislative priorities for cities, farms and rural communities
  • Partnerships for healthy ecosystems
  • Critical decisions for the Colorado River and Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
The event is free to attend but space is limited.  Registration is required.
CASA/CWEA Biosolids and Renewable Energy Technology Seminars
Join us on November 14 in Berkeley or November 15 in Irvine to hear from academic and technology researchers. You’ll learn about the resource recovery technologies and alternatives of the future.  Register online  by October 27 and save $20!  Check out the preliminary agenda .
Event & Location
November 1 & 2
November 14 & 15
December 4              
BAC Member Meeting Oakland, CA
January 24-26             
CASA Winter Conference Palm Springs, CA
February 26-28