New DVLC Tutors

Diablo Valley Literacy Council Newsletter
Volunteers teaching English as a second language (ESL) to non English speaking adults

Board Meeting 
Thursday, November 9
10:00 am

Workshop Followup Meeting for New Tutors
Saturday, November 11
10:00 am

Annual Holiday Potluck Tutors/Students/Families
Saturday, December 2
Noon - 2 pm

Board Meeting
Thursday, December 14
10 am

DVLC Annual Meeting 
Saturday, January 27

Time Again to
Report Your Hours
Please take a moment to report your quarterly hours from July through September. You can call in your hours to 925-685-3881 or email to [email protected]

Report your Tutoring hours and Nontutoring Hours (time spent for preparation, travel to student and tutor training). 
Remember to Pay Your Membership Dues
If you haven't already done so, remember to pay your 2017 membership dues. It's a great way to show your support for DVLC, and we use the dues to pay for items needed to support our tutoring program.  Please send a check for $10 to DVLC, 4000 Clayton Rd., Concord, CA 94521

DVLC Directory
Email:   [email protected]  
Voicemail: 925-685-3881

President and Web Master
Lucy Goodell 
Vice-President and Publicity
Loretta Morrison
Mary Thomas

Treasurer and Telephone Committee
Joanne Hill

Board of Directors: 

Database Manager
Jim Keenan
Hospitality and Volunteers
Ela Newacheck
Hours Coordinator
Rachel Sanborn
Mary Nash
Membership Coordinator
Marie Kidwell
Newsletter Coordinator
Victor Tiglao
Special Projects
Denise Coyne     
Student/Tutor Coordinator
Holly Sprague
Workshop Registrar
Wendy Bojin-Liston
Workshop Training Coordinator
Kris Torske

Members at Large:

Ed Chambers
Marion Keibel

Fall 2017
Vol. 31  No.4
Dear Members and Friends,

It seems like so much has gone on in the last three months that I don't know where to begin and I will have to leave out many things that I would love to talk about.

Our Summer Get-Together was a wonderful time of sharing experiences and tips. We had two of our tutors address us. Victor Tiglao, our newly installed newsletter editor, gave an uplifting talk about having been an ESL learner himself. Sue Gannon has been a career counselor and is offering to be a resource to help our tutors/students who need job counseling. 

If you are interested in a group session for tutors whose ESL students need help with the aspects of job search please let us know at [email protected] or leave a message on our phone line 925-685-3881. 

DVLC held a number of drop-in group tutoring sessions during the summer.  Some were in the evening at the Good Shepherd Church and some were during the day at the Walnut Creek library.  Attendance was low with tutors sometimes outnumbering the learners.  At this time we have no future group ESL sessions planned.  However if there is somebody who would passionately like to organize future sessions we can certainly help to make it happen.

Our Hours Coordinator, Rachel Sanborn, is proposing a fresh option for tutors and students who are already paired. See the item in this newsletter about Tutor/Student Social Dining.

Our fall tutor training workshop went off very smoothly thanks to the combined efforts of the entire Board and an enthusiastic group of 25 new tutors.  Our band of ESL volunteer tutors now numbers 110! Tutors who just completed the workshop are invited to a Followup meeting on November 11 at 10:00 in the morning.

Denise Coyne and I attended the bi-annual ProLiteracy Conference in Minnesota this year and learned about so many resources for ESL tutors that conveying the exciting information to the rest of our organization is a daunting task. In the coming months our website will have a new link called Resources where we can share a directory to point out items of interest: apps your students may use, a gold-mine of tutor information on the Minnesota web-site, ProLiteracy's Education Network, lesson planning/lesson plans, and more.

At the Conference we met centenarian Ruth Colvin, founder of Literacy Volunteers of America which she started in 1962. Literacy Volunteers of America merged with Laubach Literacy in 2002 to become ProLiteracy, an international organization. To listen to a lady who has passed her 100th birthday and still works out for 20 minutes each morning, plays golf three times a week, and is writing her 7th book is nothing if not awe-inspiring.

l. to r. Ruth Colvin, Lucy, Denine Torr - ProLiteracy Board Chair

I hope to see many of you with your students at our next major gathering, the Holiday Potluck on December 2 at noon.

Lucy Goodell

Annual Holiday Potluck Luncheon
You are invited to the

Diablo Valley Literacy Council
Annual Holiday Potluck Luncheon

Saturday, December 2, 2017
12:00 - 1:30 pm
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
4000 Clayton Rd.
Concord, CA

All tutors are invited to bring
their students with their families to a gathering
for fun, food and surprises!
Tutors and Students are encouraged to bring a food dish from their native country for the potluck

** Please share this invitation with your student **
Please RSVP a message
With your name and number of attendees
[email protected] or 925-685-3881

Tutor/Student Social Dining
Would your student benefit from additional exposure to conversational English?

We are organizing small monthly lunches or dinners with tutors & students.  This activity could be held at restaurants or in homes.  To facilitate conversation, there would be a chosen topic for each get-together. 

Once we get all the responses, we'll have an initial meeting with the tutors.  At that meeting, we'll form the dining groups and answer questions.

If you are interested, please send an e-mail to [email protected] and note in the subject line "Tutor-Student Social Dining".

Good Reports on Students
Claudine Thomas is very happy to report that her student, Jamileh, passed her citizenship test in July!

Zoe Anna MacLean reports that her tutee, Hanan, has found a job.

Kay McDonough has found it a joy to work with her student for 3 years. Her student and husband both passed their citizenship tests this summer.

Other reports:

Another tutor reports that her student is very happy to be able to talk with her son-in-law now in a common language.

A tutor is helping her student r ead the English translation of the Qur'an.

Carmita would like to take the naturalization test to become a U.S. citizen. We have been going over a study guide on a weekly basis.

Abida has successfully found a job within the Contra Costa School District. She applied three times and as they say "three is a charm." She is thrilled to be practicing English with fellow employees.

Save the Date!
Please Join Us!

Annual Member Get-Together

Saturday January 27, 2018
12:00 noon - 1:30pm
Hosted Casual Brunch

All Members Invited!
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church

4000 Clayton Rd.
Concord, CA 94521

Please RSVP
[email protected] or 925-685-3881

We'd love to hear from you!  Email your questions or comments to Diablo Valley Literacy Council at:   [email protected] 
See our updated website: