October 18, 2017 from 10:00am to 3:00pm
The Children's Vision Massachusetts Coalition invites you to help us eliminate correctable and avoidable vision impairment in childhood by joining us at the State House to advocate for a comprehensive children's vision health program for the Commonwealth.

In 2004, Majority Leader Ronald Mariano and the Massachusetts Legislature took an important first step in establishing a children's vision health program with the passage and enactment of Chapter 181 of the Acts of 2004 "An Act Relative to Eye Examinations for Children". However, gaps in access, resources and awareness related to children's vision health persist. If we are to close these gaps, and assure that all children in the Commonwealth have screenings, eye examinations and follow up care as required, a second step is needed. Be a champion for children's vision health, and all the associated benefits, by joining parents, colleagues, and others at the State House on October 18 to advocate for the passage and enactment of H3224 an act to establish a children's vision registry and special commission on childhood vision and eye health, the next step to improving the vision health of our children.
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For additional details, or assistance with registration 
Contact Priscilla Kelangi at