Rule of the Week
Week of August 21 to 25, 2017 

Rule for Signing Scorecards

Score card errors are common in Amateur Golf and often because there is a lack of understanding the importance of scoring at the conclusion of a round. It is important competitors take her/his time in the scoring area at the end of a round to ensure the accuracy of her/his official scorecard.   

A marker and player should ensure the following:
  • each hole score is legible in the space provided and should be recorded after the play of a hole, and
  • the marker and competitor have signed the score cards in the space provided at the end of the round, and
  • if there are any concerns, the players involved work it out prior to leaving the scoring area, and
  • let the Committee know any areas of concern, and finally 
  • all players remain in the scoring area until the volunteers/committee has given the players the all clear message. 

This is why patience and diligence are important in the scoring area and double-checking the scores for each hole.  Mistakes and lack of due diligence can result in a disqualification of one or more players.

Decision 34-1b/2 - Not Signing a Scorecard

Scenario 1: A competitor fails to sign a scorecard and it is discovered after the competition has closed. In this scenario let's think that the competitor who failed to sign his scorecard actually won the event; what would the Committee do in this case? 

Question: Did the competitor know that he/she failed to sign the scorecard before competition closed? 
  • If yes, then he/she would be disqualified, and 
  • if the competitor did not know that he/she failed to sign the scorecard then the result of the competition must stand.
Decision 6-6d - Signing for a Wrong Score for a Hole.

Scenario 2: A competitor is responsible for the correctness of the score recorded for each hole on his/her scorecard. 
  • If he/she were to return a score for any hole lower than actually taken, the competitor would be disqualified. 
  • If the competitor submits a score for a hole that is higher than actually taken, there is not penalty and the reported score will be taken as the correct score for that hole.
To see how Golf Saskatchewan recommends properly completing a scorecard please click HERE
Happy golfing and remember the Rules of Golf Matter
About Golf Saskatchewan
As the Provincial Sport Governing Body (PSGB), Golf Saskatchewan will provide leadership in driving participation, engagement, capacity, and excellence in our sport.

Golf Saskatchewan
510 Cynthia St
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7L 7K7
Golf Saskatchewan
(306) 975-0850

Authored by Brian Lee, Executive Director of Golf SK

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