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Acupuncture & Natural Health Solutions Newsletter   Providing Natural Health Care for the Entire Family
Issue #2016-11a

What is Dampness 
How can Acupuncture help?

Dampness is an insidious beast. It works its way in, silent and sneaky. Before you know it, you're filled with it, and you can barely get out of your own way.

Damp is a term acupuncturists use when the fluids of the body aren't being processed correctly, leading to a buildup that can settle in and make itself at home in almost any area of the body. This, in turn, can lead to a wide array of mental and physical issues.

If dampness invades the entire physical body, it can cause weight gain, sluggishness and a lack of motivation. Think of how you feel on a foggy, rainy day. Now imagine that fogginess and sogginess being inside of you. 

You would feel heavy, bloated and slow. You would be more comfortable just sitting around, rather than engaging in movement. Your thoughts might be a bit confused, rather than clear and concise. This is what happens when there is an infestation of dampness.

If the dampness attacks specific areas, it leads to heaviness and dullness in whatever part of the body it festers in. If it settles into the head, it can cause a dull headache that feels as if a band is squeezing the head. This type of headache generally tends to either be stimulated or worsened by damp weather. Dampness in the head can also cause sinus pain or a stuffy nose. 

From an emotional standpoint, dampness can muddle the thinking, making it hard to think clearly. In the extreme, it can lead to mental impairment. 

If dampness attacks the digestive system, it can cause vomiting of fluids, diarrhea or abdominal pain. With internal issues, damp usually transforms into damp-heat. Damp-heat of the intestines causes bloody, painful diarrhea. 

Damp-heat in the lower burner of the body can bring on sores, painful and burning urination or a host of other issues. If it is hot and oozy, think damp-heat.

Pain caused by dampness is heavy, usually severe, and stays fixed in one place. Arthritis can fall into this category: the pain is concentrated in one place, the afflicted area is stiff and hard to move, and damp weather usually makes it feel worse.

The true evil of dampness is that it is a self-propelling cycle. It weighs you down and resists change. That person who feels sluggish and weighed down could dissipate some of their dampness by moving, but the sluggishness makes the person want to sit still. 

That lack of movement creates more dampness...and so it continues. Fortunately, acupuncture and herbs are wonderful options for getting rid of this dampness.


What is Dampness?

Dampness is an abnormal processing of fluids and energy in the body, that impedes healthy energy flow and physiological function. Dampness is an energetic accumulation that is thick, heavy, slow, sluggish and turbid.

Common symptoms of dampness include sinus and nasal congestion, digestive upset such as loose stools or bloating, foggy-headedness, pain that is worse in damp or rainy weather, a heavy sensation in the body or any excessive fluid in the body.

Lifestyle Instructions

* Avoid damp or wet environments for prolonged periods of time, such as basements and standing out in the rain.

* When your clothes get wet, change as quickly as possible.

* Avoid sitting on damp ground or wading in cold water.

* Exercise! The body's energy needs to move in order to 
break up stuck dampness, so maintaining a regular 
exercise regimen is key.

Dietary Instructions

* Avoid dairy and refined sugar, as these foods directly contribute to dampness in the body.

* Avoid cold and raw foods, which are harder for the digestive system to absorb. When the digestive energy is back logged, dampness can develop.

* Avoid greasy, fried and fatty foods, as they directly lead to dampness accumulation, and further damage the Spleen.

* Eat warm, cooked meals whenever possible. Warm and cooked foods are nourishing to the spleen energy, which needs to be running optimally to avoid dampness from developing.

* Include foods that directly have an action of removing dampness accumulation in the body, such as barley, rye, alfalfa sprout, pumpkin, radish, turnip, scallion, papaya, lemon, aduki beans, green tea and jasmine tea.

* Include pungent and spicy foods, which help to cut through 
the dampness and revitalize the digestive energy: 
anise, cardamom, fennel, garlic, horseradish, marjoram, 
nettle, parsley and white pepper.

Recipe Corner

Creamless Soup

  • 1 Onion or leak, chopped
  • 1 potato, chopped
  • Diluted Chicken broth with water, or can broth.
  • Optional vegetables: carrots, winter squash or pumpkin, zucchini or spinach
  1. Simmer 1 chopped Onion or leek, 1 chopped potato, salt to taste
  2. Add pepper to flavor and just enough broth to cover.
  3. When you add your own chicken broth, it may overwhelm the potato flavor, so you might want to dilute it with water or use canned broth.
  4. When vegetables are tender, cool slightly.
  5. Mash, blend, or process until mixture is smooth, adding more broth until soup is the consistency of thick cream
  6. For optional vegetables:
    • Carrots (season with ginger or nutmeg).
    • Winter squash or pumpkin (season with cinnamon and cloves).
    • Zucchini (season with basil, thyme, or oregano)
    • Spinach (season with nutmeg).

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The information contained within the  newsletter is only used to educate and inform. This newsletter is  not a substitute for the advice of a licensed and registered health  care provider. Seek prompt attention for emergencies. Consult  a health care provider for specific health concerns, and before  starting a diet, cleanse or exercise routine.
Monthly Acupuncture Column Featured in SW Florida's Health & Wellness Magazine 
Toni Eatros, AP,
Acupuncture Physician, 
is the  featured acupuncture columnist in the popular SW Florida's Health & Wellness Magazine.
Be sure to check out November's issue, on stands now, about The Season of the Lung and Large Intestine Meridians

Click the link below to view October's Article: Maple Syrup vs Pancake Syrup

Acupressure Points
Acupressure Points
Rubbi ng acupuncture points with your finger for 30 - 60 seconds can stimulate and promote the circulation of Qi within your own body, restoring health and well-being.

5 Points to Alleviate Dampness

Nobody wants to be damp. When dampness occurs it is imperative that you solve the issue, the body should never be overly damp. Dampness is heavy, stagnant and tends to solve things down throughout the body. In addition to changing your diet and the way you eat, there are specific acupressure points that work to alleviate dampness. Here are three great points to try.

Stomach 36 (ST36) 
Also known as Zusanli
ST 36 is a great point to use when dampness occurs due to the weather. If damp weather is causing your body to shut down or become more tired you should utilize ST 36 to cure this problem.

 This point is located between the lower border of the knee and outer border of the large bone located below the knee.

Gall Bladder 14  
(GB 14)
Also known as Yangbai

With dampness can come sinus pressure. A GB 14, is a go-to point to relieve sinus pressure and headaches.
This point is one of the best in your arsenal you can have to protect against sinus pressure. 

GB 14 is located above the eyebrow.

Stomach 8 (ST 8)
Also known as Touwei

ST 8 , is another fantastic point that should be used when trying to alleviate headache pain caused by dampness. By using this point you will be back on your feet again and will find the sensation of your headaches has dissipated. 

To find this point follow the line your jawbone creates to the top of your head, once you are about five nger' widths above your eyebrow you will have located the point.

Spleen 9 (SP 9)
Also known as 
On the lower leg, just below the knee, on the medial side of your shinbone. To find the point, run your nger up the inside of your shinbone towards the knee, the point is in the corner created by this curvature of bone. 

Drains dampness anywhere in the body.

Spleen 3 (SP3)
Also known as Taibai

On the medial side of the foot, just below the bony prominence where the big toe joins the foot.

Nourishes the spleen energy of the body in the presence of dampness. The spleen must be strong in order to overcome dampness in the body.
Research Update
 B vitamins to enhance treatment response to antidepressants in middle-aged and older adults

For detail article: refer to  Source Link





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