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Our Strongest Preservation Law is at Risk!

The U.S. House of Representatives is now at work on a major transportation bill that has the potential to weaken our nation's strongest historic preservation law and your elected official has a seat at the table. Urge your representative to support a bill, Section 4(f), that balances our infrastructure needs with preserving our precious historic resources.     Ask them to protect section 4(f)!

Section 4(f) holds the key to smart transportation planning by requiring federal highway projects to "use all possible planning to minimize harm" to our heritage. This language has succeeded in saving places ranging from New Orleans' French Quarter, to Baltimore's Fort McHenry -- the site that inspired the national anthem -- to countless places in between.

The Senate recently passed a transportation bill that eliminates the section 4(f) requirement to minimize harm. We can't let the House be next. Losing section 4(f) means leaving our historic resources vulnerable to ill-advised and poorly planned transportation projects. 

Please contact your representative today and ask them to protect section 4(f) in the House transportation bill. 

Thank you for voicing your support for section 4(f), for our heritage!
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