God Is More Than A Promise Keeper

God is a Covenant Keeper
Then I said:
"O LORD, God of heaven, the great and awesome God, who keeps his covenant of love with those who love him and obey his commands, Nehemiah 1:5 NIV

Covenant vs. Promise

A promise is an agreement based on words whereas a covenant is based on blood. God so loved the world that He gave His only Son John 3:16, that's the blood.  It is the blood of Jesus that the covenant of love is based on. 
God has a covenant of love with those that love and obey Him Nehemiah 1:5. Therefore, we must believe that God desires and deserves to be present and active in our lives.  It is the will of God to bring His dreams and visions to life in us.  Likewise He knows the trouble that will trouble us and He will reward and deliver those that love, obey and seek Him.

Nehemiah taught us to seek God by:
  • Praying, fasting and weeping to empty ourselves so that God can fill us. 
  •  Worshiping God so that we remember His great and awesome abilities.
  •  Confessing our sins and repenting so that we can clearly hear from God.
  •  Trusting God's word so that our faith is built up that God will answer us.