We are excited to introduce the new FH Diagnosis App - just in time for FH Awareness Day.
More than 30 million people worldwide have familial hypercholesterolemia (FH), but 90% are still undiagnosed.
In an effort to address this serious public health concern, the FH Foundation updated the FH Diagnosis App, which many now rely upon to quickly and easily perform the FH diagnostic criteria. The improved app provides additional resources for clinicians. 
The app currently helps clinicians identify FH patients by quickly and easily running all three FH diagnostic criteriaDutch Lipid Simon Broome , and  MEDPED . The FH Diagnosis App is part of the FH Foundation's effort to support clinicians and individuals with FH with tools to improve understanding, diagnosis, and treatment of FH.
Download or update the latest version today from the Apple Store.  https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/fh-diagnosis/id543676258?mt=8
The app now includes access to the FIND FH heat map, FH Specialist Map, as well as educational resources for physicians to share with patients. We will make additional updates over the next few months, expanding resources for clinicians and individuals living with FH.
A special thank you to our developer partner, KKIT Creations, who has personally maintained this app for the FH community over the past several years as a labor of love.
FH Awareness Day: Preventing Heart Disease One Family At A Time
It's not too late to join today's activities to raise awareness
We count on you - everyone - to raise awareness of FH, and help individuals and families get the appropriate diagnosis and treatment. Together, let's make FH Awareness Day a success.
Join us today to Tweet, Post, and Share #KnowFH
Help us trend #KnowFH on FH Awareness Day.
Join us during the FH Awareness tweetathon Sunday, September 24 at 3:00 pm ET and follow #KnowFH and @TheFHFoundation. With the help of leading FH experts from around the world, we will address current issues and challenges facing those who have FH and those who treat FH. Follow us and help spread the news.
Facebook Live
2017 FH Global Summit will be LIVE!
We will be live streaming the opening ceremony on September 24 at 4 p.m. EDT. Tune in to hear from 2017 FH Global Summit speakers Dr. John Kastelein, Dr. Nanette Wenger, and Katherine Wilemon. Visit our Facebook page at the time of the event to participate. We will also upload the full video in case you miss it.
Have you seen us on billboards or buses?
If you spot us, email us a photo.
As part of the FH Awareness Campaign, we launched a national campaign to raise awareness of FH. FH is prominently displayed on billboards and buses in nine major metropolitan cities across the U.S.: Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, Pasadena, and San Francisco. If you live or visit any of these cities and spot us, please email us a photo at [email protected].
FH Foundation on Sequenced podcast
Katherine Wilemon, founder and CEO of the FH Foundation, speaks with Dr. Jill Hagenkord, Color's Chief Medical Officer, about familial hypercholesterolemia on the Sequenced podcast. Katherine and Dr. Hagenkord discuss why FH is different from other forms of high cholesterol, why FH is underdiagnosed in the U.S., and the importance of family screening. You can hear the Sequenced podcast on
You can read a full transcript of the podcast on Color's blog: