EPG Connection
Your Resource for Landfill, Environmental, and Industrial Solutions!
October 2016
In this issue:

Choosing Pumps & Controls shouldn't be SCARY or a Trick or Treat proposition. You can depend on EPG equipment to be dependable long term, without HAUNTING you in the future.

Conference News:

The Florida Remediation Conference scheduled in October was cancelled due to Hurricane Matthew but has been rescheduled for December. We will also be exhibiting at the NGWA Groundwater Week conference. Details below.

Service School News:

EPG's 2017 Service School is scheduled for the week of April 3rd. More details to come!

Thanks for reading and have a Happy Halloween!
Spooky Sightings!
Goblins, Ghouls, and Ghosts. Those are fun sorts of scary. What's really scary is what happens when you compromise quality and experience. EPG doesn't do that when we design and manufacture our Pumps & Controls because it's what we value. Now beware as you proceed to witness the horrors of those that shall not be named!

These pumps were eaten alive. Yikes!


That motor felt the heat snugged up against that cap. Any cooling flow stopped dead. Frightening!


Motor lead splices below the liquid surface? Both motors perished. 
Is this a Trick or a Treat?

Boo! Scary Story Time.
Problem: A landfill in the state of New York was having to repair their pumps every year. It was found that they were removing the factory installed check valve so that the pump discharge line would drain back through the pump to prevent freezing during cold weather. This drain back at the time was great enough to cause the pump and motor to turn backwards. During wet weather the level in the sump would rise fast enough that the level sensor would send a signal to the pump to start while it was still turning backwards. This caused damage and wear to the coupling between the pump and the motor.
Consequence: A coupling wears and the pump will start to vibrate. This vibration will cause the pump and motor to wear faster and faster until there is a failure.
If this is your story, call 1-800-443-7426 or email us at for help.

Upcoming Events
100px Swana
EPG will have representation at the following SWANA and industry related events: Events 

This was cancelled due to hurricane Matthew and was recescheduled. - Orlando FL (Viridian America Exhibiting)  
Las Vegas, NV (Viridian America Exhibiting)
Week of Apr. 3 
EPG Service School 
Stay tuned for more details! 
EPG Companies Inc. specializes in the design and manufacture of landfill leachate pumps & controls, sump drainers, remediation equipment, telemetry hardware and SCADA systems, Odor & Gas Control, and other environmental and industrial products.

As always, EPG welcomes your feedback. If you have any comments or questions, feel free to contact us at
Copyright © 2016 EPG Companies Inc.