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It is estimated that more information has been created in the last 10 years than was created in all of humankind before that. All of this information is constantly coming at us in the form of texts, tweets, emails and videos. But how to sort through it all? Your Inova Employee Support Program is a great place to start. Our consultants can help you find the information through search engines, online resources, local libraries and our own website.

Seminar: Information Overload, Finding Your Way to the Right Resources
Managing the enormous amount of information that is thrown at us is difficult. Understand what contributes to information overload and apply tips and tools for effectively managing information.
  • Available on demand starting Tuesday, September 19.
How to Participate
Visit the Inova EAP website at and log in using the username and password below.  Select the "Online Seminar" option on the landing page and select your seminar from the available options.

Website :
Toll-Free Call In: 800.346.0110
Username:  DCGOV
Password: DCGOV
Available anytime, any day, your Inova Employee Support Program is a free, confidential program to help you balance your work, family, and personal life.

For more information, please visit DCHR online or email [email protected].