Cup of Empowerment
September 18, 2017
It feels so good to sit back,  catch our breath and  savor a cup of empowerment   fro God's Word

Join us at Anna's Gate every Tuesday at 3:45 pm for 
worship,  teaching, and filming for our TV show.  


Sept 19th Jeremy Caris joins Dr. CarolMarie in teaching about this new season we are entering in and the power in aligning with Heaven at this time.  3:45 pm at Anna's Gate. 

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Time of Reflection!
 Dr. CarolMarie

I still giggle at the time I saw, what I thought was, my reflection in the windowed door by the swimming pool. I had been swimming after my workout and was going back inside when I saw the amazing results of the time I spent working out! Wow! I really looked toned! As I evaluated my shape, I realized I did not own a swimsuit like the one I was viewing. In fact, I already put my coverup on over my suit! Then it dawned on me! It was not my reflection I was seeing. I was seeing another woman behind the glass door! And she looked a lot better in comparison, which brought great disappointment in my "workout"! The reflection I was
perceiving was not true!

As we approach the completion of this civic year on God's calendar and are entering in to a new year, it is a time for preparation and reflection! The month of Tishrei speaks of "reflected light" and is likened to the moon that reflects the light of the sun. In the spiritual realm, it is a time to be sure the reflection you see is truly from the right source. It is also a time to be sure WE are reflecting the light of the Son! This comes from spending time with our Source of life and light! This week is a special time of checking our hearts. As David said in Ps 51:10, "Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me." This is our spiritual "workout"! Although Tishrei is the month that begins the new civil year, it is the seventh month on the Hebraic calendar. It dates back to creation and is considered the "head of the year" (Rosh Hashanah). (In Exodus 12:2, God set the month of Passover or Nissan/Aviv as the 1st month due to its importance and priority, but Tishrei is still considered the head of the year.) The Fall Feasts land in the month of Tishrei. The Fall Feasts include: Feast of Trumpets,  Atonement or Yom Kippur and Tabernacles . Because it is the seventh month on the Hebraic calendar, it represents "fullness and completion". It is during this time God gives fresh revelation which is to prepare us for the year ahead. No wonder there is so much excitement! In the seventh month there is, "wholeness, spiritual perfection and development; completion, consecration and rest". Oh, I like that!

Click above image for more information.

Tishrei will begin this year on  September 21, 2017 (beginning sundown on September 20th). Let us especially prepare for this important year of 5778. It is a year like non-other. We need our hearts right so we can enter this new year fully ready and fully prepared! Jeremy Caris (of Caris Ministries) will join me on Tuesday, September 19th , to share some exciting insights into what we feel God wants us to experience with Him. It will be recorded and filmed for our websites ( and (We start at 3:45 pm and seats are limited! Since we are filming for  TV and Internet, please enter by the side doors, to the right of the parking lot.) Let Holy Spirit reflect on your heart, and see what in your life needs to align with God in a greater way. Spend time with Him preparing and getting in shape. We are entering exciting times and it is time to be ready!


We would like to INVITE you to bring  widows and prayer warriors from your church to Anna's Gate to be in our filming audience on Tuesdays! We air on four local networks as well as globally, via Internet. Call our office (865-803-5445) with your reservation and how many you would like to bring.

We would also like to invite you to send us a brief testimony 
(written or filmed on your smart phone) 
of how God has used Anna's Gate 
to help you and to reach your realm of influence. 
Email it to:   [email protected] 
(Put "Testimony" on the subject line). 
If filmed, please make it only 1 to 2 minutes. 
We would love to hear from you!


Read what Jesus read on this week in History!
Check out the Torah Reading for Last Sabbath
Here is the Torah Reading for Next Sabbath


Learn about the Hebraic month .


When you make a purchase using  amazon smile , a part of your purchase amount is given to support the work Anna's Gate does. We appreciate your using these businesses and in the process blessing Anna's Gate.

Click above image for details.

Join CarolMarie on
AM Station Joy620 "Drive At Five" 
"Empower Hour" With CarolMarie

Wednesdays from 5-6 pm
or listen live around the world by Internet at  same time EST



If you Live in the Knoxville, TN area
Check out our TV Program!
Anna's Gate 

 Monday's at 6:00-6:30 am

Channel 12 if you have Comcast 
Channel 6 on Charter 
Channel 6 on WOW/Knolegy 
Channel 99 on AT&T 

Be a part of the audience when we film on Tuesdays from 3:45 to 6:00 PM at Anna's Gate! 

Stay Connected:
Anna's Gate International
6515 Clinton Highway Suite 100
Knoxville, TN 37912