Winter Tree

   Less is More

     An Occasional Newsletter from

      The New England School 

      of Homeopathy


     Happy Holidays!
      December 2015    

Want to successfully
 integrate homeopathy into your current or future practice?

Study with NESH in

February 26-28, 2016

April 15-17, 2016

June 3-5, 2016

Sept. 9-11, 2016

Nov. 11-13, 2016

January 2017 - TBD 

March 2017- TBD 

May 2017 - TBD 

View our complete
Dear Friends,
This morning I was swimming my half mile in our local pool as the light streamed in through the floor to ceiling windows. It's a kind of immediate meditation for me: crawl, backstroke, breaststroke, the rhythm of my breath, the pushing off from pool walls, my glide lap after lap in the cool water. It's familiar and relaxing and am I clear where I am going. Likewise, when I sit down with a patient, I go into doctor mode, it's familiar and relaxing and the skills I need are right there. It's a matter of learning, practice and refinement, of taking time to allow ourselves to get in the right space to take a good patient case and to use our analysis skills in a methodical and reliable way.

Last weekend was a teaching time for us in Boston and as always, we enjoyed greeting our students, colleagues & friends for another installment of Cycles & Segments homeopathy. We're working to make the homeopathic practitioner process familiar, easier and more reliable. 

We know how lucky we are to have work we love that sustains us and which brings us in touch with wonderful people all trying to help decrease the suffering in the world.  
We're wishing you & yours a happy, healthy, peaceful new year where you are able to do lots of the things you enjoy & to spend time with the people you love. Come study with us if you have the chance, as a new student, as someone coming through for a refresher, or at our clinical classes; we'd love to see you!

Love & Light,
Join us for a FREE WEBINAR...  Cycles & Segments
A Case Illustration - JANUARY 20, 2016 

Join Drs. Rothenberg & Herscu for a free one hour webinar sponsored by WholeHealthNow (pre-registration required). We will present an overview of our approach to homeopathic case taking and analysis using a case example.
Teaching for over 25 years through NESH, we've taught thousands of prescribers the Cycles & Segments approach, which helps streamline the homeopathic process & makes learning fun while leading to satisfying results.  
For those of you not already familiar with the Cycles & Segments approach we recommend you first watch this free prerecorded webinar. It will help contextualize the January 20th case discussion .

CALIFORNIA ... Here We Come!
Amy & Paul in SF
Enjoying time in SF before the
AANP Conference in August
February 2016 - May 2017
     Course m eets Friday night, Saturday & Sunday, every other month.

If you've been thinking about taking the class, now is an opportune time to join us in Southern California and FALL IN LOVE WITH HOMEOPATHY!

Email us  for more detailed information and an application.
2016 East Coast Clinical Classes for NESH Alumni

April 29 - May 1, 2016
October 7-9, 2016
For all NESH alum, where ever you may have studied with us, you're invited to join clinical weekends at our home base in Amherst Massachusetts. We see patients all weekend and together work on case analysis, relevant comparative materia medica and the philosophical points that invariably arise with patient care.

For logistical information on our clinical classes, click here.
Why Study with NESH and Why Learn The
Cycles and Segments Approach to Homeopathy?

With nearly 30 years in practice together, Drs. Rothenberg & Herscu make it fun & relevant with clinical pearls and lots of case stories and videos. You'll be part of a growing community of practitioners who enjoy using homeopathy and find success with patients.                

Cycles and Segments Offers:
- A philosophical approach that clarifies what happens in practice nesh new logo
- Streamlines case taking
- Presents materia medica in an organized, concise way
- Leads to logical repertory use; prevents errors
- Guides case analysis with a strong consistent philosophy
- For beginners: fast learning curve that emphasizes organization & understanding
- For more experienced practitioners: helps prevent common & challenging mistakes


For more information about our practice in Enfield, CT see: 


To schedule an appointment: call 1.860.763.1225


We are now offering Telemedicine Services such as SKYPE, 

to patients within the US and internationally for: comprehensive initial consultations,

follow-ups, and referrals from clinicians for 2nd opinions.

Calendar Gift: 2016 Calendar
Best Wishes for 2016

Our annual calendar for you in now available.

Drs. Rotheberg and Herscu enjoy making & sharing these images. If you'd like a hard copy of the calendar printed at your local copy store, get a few done & share with friends.




We are once again supporting an offering to make homeopathic remedy kits
available to our NESH community at discounted prices!
NESH does not benefit financially from these sales, but for those who might like
to give the gift of a kit, these are an excellent value.

Remedy Kit sale  
   Ordering deadline is December 31st, with no extensions. 
   You'll find all the details here  

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