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Preservation Action Alert 
- Plaza de Panama project fast tracked! -

The city is back at it. They are fast tracking through this most important issue in order to have it heard before a new city council in December.
They are asking to: Authorize the issuance of the Public Facilities Financing Authority of the City of San Diego Lease Revenue Bonds, Series 2017 (Balboa Park Parking Related Public Improvements) (the "Bonds") in a principal amount not to exceed $50 million and the execution of related financing documents, including the forms of the Site Lease, Facilities Lease, Indenture, Bond Purchase Agreement and Continuing Disclosure Certificate in order to provide funds to support the construction of a parking garage in Balboa Park (the "Parking Garage"), and related capital improvements (together, the "Project").
STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve the requested actions. (Surprise!)
WHEN  This Thursday October 27, 2016 AT 2PM.
WHERE  City Administration Building Committee Room
12th Floor ,202 "C" Street, San Diego, CA 92101
See items 7 and 8 (on page 3 of the AGENDA )
Item 7 Review report from the Debt Management Department requesting Council approval of Public Facilities Financing Authority of the City of San Diego Lease Revenue Bonds, Series 2017 (Balboa Park Parking Related Public Improvements)
Item 8 Review report from the Public Works and Engineering Department requesting Council approval of Balboa Park Plaza de Panama Project Cooperation Agreement, Authorizing a Construction Contract, and Related Funding Actions
We Need Your Help!
SOHO needs your support now. Let the City Council know that you are against the plan 100% and you do not approve of the city pouring resources into a poorly designed and sorely misguided parking project.

Write to the City Council HERE

We need you to attend and testify before the City Council in person on Thursday October 27, 2016 at 2pm (202 C Street, 12th Floor), or if you do not wish to speak, we still need you there, and you can plan to cede your public comment time to SOHO.
Also please note right now and SAVE THE DATE for Monday, November 14 , when the City Council will have Balboa Park back on its agenda for FINAL APPROVAL.
We urge you to contribute now  to our Legal Defense Fund, to help SOHO combat this enormous challenge. It will take you, our members and supporters both financially and on the ground, to defeat this misguided project once again.
SOHO diligently and energetically exhausts all other advocacy remedies before litigation. But it is crucial for us to be able to move quickly should litigation be necessary.
To make a tax-deductible donation to help SOHO protect Balboa Park, click HERE now.
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