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Preservation Action Alert 
- North Park & Golden Hill Community Character at Risk! -

After nearly 10 years of frustration and compromise, the North Park and Golden Hill Community Plan updates could be approved by the City Council at 2pm on Tuesday, October 25, and potentially put at risk the historic character of these two communities.
S ee items 334 and 335 (beginning on page 44) of the agenda HERE.
These updates are essentially road maps to help plan for future growth and change; however, the updates intend to allow for more density without providing protections for historic resources, which does not comply with CEQA. Mitigation would ensure the processing of identified historic districts, and help to protect the historic character of the North Park and Golden Hill communities, which are at high risk of eroding away. Not only are historic buildings at the heart and soul of these communities, they are often the reason why these areas are so attractive to new residents and businesses.
How You Can Help
SOHO needs your support now. Let the City Council know that you depend on them to follow CEQA and protect our historic resources through the establishment of historic districts.
Write to the City Council HERE to support the establishment of historic districts in the North Park and Golden Hill communities (and Uptown too, which will come before City Council on November 14).
We need you to attend and testify before the City Council in person on Tuesday, October 25 at 2pm (202 C Street, 12th Floor), or if you do not wish to speak, we still need you there, and you can plan to cede your public comment time to SOHO.
*Note and SAVE THE DATE NOW for Monday, November 14; when the City Council discusses the Uptown Community Plan update in which historic resources are also at high risk due to proposed density in areas including the Hillcrest Commercial Core, which is on SOHO's 2016 Most Endangered List.
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