July 18, 2016

Do you hate your competitors? Do you try to get in their way? Bring them misfortune? Our premise is that, if you cooperate with your competitors (co-petitors), you will all gain..  Brian Scudamore relates a story from his early business experience, when he tried to destroy a competitor (to his own eventual demise), and explains further how the concept of cooperation works in this article. In most industries there is enough business for everyone. Each supplier has his or her own unique selling proposition and good ideas help each one refine theirs. Ideas flow most freely when they're bounced back and forth among interested people. If you make the effort to find camaraderie with the other providers in your line of business, two things will happen:
  • You will all enjoy the experience of positive interaction with each other, and avoid the negativity that comes with selfishly trying to have it all and block others' progress. (Just watch young children be miserable when each one grabs and protects every toy in sight vs. all having great fun when they share amicably!)
  • Each of you will benefit from the good ideas that are generated in the conversation. Since each of you will apply them uniquely, you will each generate more business without "stealing" business from each other. Plus you'll likely find ways to co-venture or refer work when one is overloaded and another has spare capacity.
If you're on a search for ways to build and improve your business, perhaps a coach is just what you need. An outside set of eyes will see things you are blind to and can help you discover ways you haven't thought of to get more business, get more done, and do it all more efficiently...all while enjoying the experience more. Our first quest at Unity Consulting is to discover what's most important to you and help you unearth new ways to achieve that end. O ur specialty is helping you clarify the definition of the Purpose of your business (the single most important thing you want your team to focus on), which can help you and your company become more Productive...and that leads to more PROFIT. We abbreviate this as P3B - Purpose , Productivity , and PROFIT in Business . If this approach sounds interesting to you , why not  sign up for a NO-CHARGE strategy session? And let's talk. Check out the details here. Again there's no cost or obligation to you for this initial exploratory conversation, and I'm happy to spend as much time as it takes for us to get to know each other and discover what we can do together to improve your business. I should clarify here that, when you call us, I will be your consultant - I won't pass you off to someone else with less experience or less commitment to your success.

Your comments are of great importance to me - please let me know what thoughts or questions these ideas trigger for you. In particular, this week I'd love to hear how your business has improved as a result of making a competitor a "co-petitor"  On the other hand, if you're not finding the answers you want, perhaps I can help you get to where you'd like to be. I'd love to hear about what's happening in your organization - again with no charge for us to discuss your situation and find a way to help YOU improve things. If you email a question or comment, please give me a phone number or a Skype address, or send me (see my Skype address below) a Skype contact request referencing my weekly emails (this reference is important - I'm fussy about my connections on networking services and, if your name doesn't ring a bell with me, I'll accept your contact request only if you tell me why you want to connect with me). Discussions of complex questions often require a conversation, and conversations occur either face to face or on the telephone, rather than by email (email exchanges data - very useful for some purposes; however the give-and-take that characterizes a conversation can't occur through email.).
If you find a topic here you think will be interesting to a friend or colleague, you're welcome to pass it along to as many people as you care to. If someone forwarded this to you, and you'd like to hear more, please send me an email and I'll be glad to add you to my mailing list, which I never sell or rent. On the other hand, if you find these messages irrelevant, or they clutter your inbox in an unwelcome way, please click the "unsubscribe" link below - I promise you won't hurt my feelings. My desire is to send these ideas only to people who find them interesting and helpful.
So...consider building "co-opetition" your industry, and contact us to learn how we can help you add value to what you do. Remember, the initial strategy conversation is without charge or obligation. And join us again right here next week for more unique ideas on how to get more done in your life and business, while enjoying it more. 
Thanks for reading.
John Stevens
You and your team can  maximize  purpose , productivity and profit in your business with Unity  Consulting
Visit our website:
Weare, NH
Office and cell phone: 814-590-3854
Fax: 603-529-8474 (inactive until 12 May '16)
In Argentina: +54 9 386 845 9586
Skype:  johnbstevens1943 

About John
Throughout a career spanning over 40 years John Stevens' management style has been one of building teams to bring several competent people together to focus on a common objective.

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Contact Info
John B. Stevens, Leadership Expert
Unity Consulting
Weare, NH 03281
Phone: 814-590-3854