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Fostering Faith - Inspiring Excellence - Cultivating Leaders
Top   Saint Thomas School Mission Statement

Saint Thomas School partners with the family,and community to live the Gospel message of Jesus Christ by educating each child using Christian values, superior academics, and loving discipline in a Catholic community.

St Thomas School is a 2006 National Blue Ribbon School
Blue Ribbon Seal
St. Thomas School Newsletter 
August 24, 2016
Dear St. Thomas Families,   
It has been a great start to the school year. The school year began with celebrating Mass with grades K-8 and the children are settling into their classroom routines.  The summer really seemed to fly by and it is difficult to believe that the month of August is nearly past!
The parent/teacher/child relationship is a critical one for a successful school experience. Keeping positive avenues of communication open is important.  Be sure to stay well connected with your child's teachers and don't hesitate to contact them if you have questions as the year progresses.
ASCEND remains our primary communication tool between school and family.  With ASCEND, you are able to check on your child's grades, assignments, homework and serves as a vital tool of communication with the teachers and be notified when there is a calamity day or delay. If you have any questions regarding registration or require other assistance, please feel free to contact the school office.
In early August, emergency contact information and other various forms were sent to school families so we can update our school records/files.  It is important that the forms be completed and return to the school office at your earliest convenience.  If you already returned the forms, thank you.
"Meet the Teacher Night" began on Tuesday, August 23, for grades K-4.  The families for grades 5-8 will have an opportunity to meet their student(s) teachers tonight, August 24 from 7:00 - 8:00 pm in the cafeteria.   Doors will open at 6:30 so families can obtain additional information about our extracurricular activities. 
Terra Nova test results are in this Wednesday packet.  The tests were administered in late April, 2016 to Grades 2, 3, 5, and 7.  Should you have any questions, contact your student(s) teacher for the 2015-2016 school year.  For example, if your student is currently in the 8th grade, please contact Mrs. Burkhardt.
This year's focus will be placed on Response to Intervention (RTI) with the use of I-Ready Reading software.  Teachers during a Professional Development day on August 12th participated in an I-Ready webinar.  Mrs. Ankenbauer will implement the RTI program and has been working with the teachers to coordinate a schedule.  A tentative start date for students diagnostic testing will be the first week of September. 
As a friendly reminder, as the school moves into full swing, and our activities and traffic in the building increases, we want to insure of everyone's safety. Please remember that all visitors to the school, including parents, are required to sign in at the school office and pick up a visitor badge.
Hope your school year is off to a great start and that everyone is settling into the new routines. It is greatly appreciated of all the help and support of the parents. We look forward to an exciting and dynamic school year!
Wishing you a blessed week.  
Deborah Flamm
Picture Day:
Friday, September 30

Mark your calendar for picture day, we will welcome Lifetouch Photography this year to take care of creating memorable photos. Early in September information will be sent home about cost, payment, and reordering needs.
St. Thomas Walk-a-thon 2016

The Walk-a-thon is being scheduled for the Spring.  As we move closer to the date, information will be provided to our school families.    
St. Thomas Boosters
3rd Annual Golf Outing

Saturday, September 17th

Registration and Lunch start at Noon
Shotgun start off at 1 o'clock

Get ALL the details - registration  form
can be found on the school website

or by clinking this link

Come out and have a great day!
Popsicle Kick Off!

8th graders will begin selling popsicles on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays after school on the plaza.  They will be sold for 25 cents each.  On Friday, all students will receive a FREE popsicle courtesy of the St. Thomas Foresters.  If you would like information about the Foresters, please contact Mrs. Holtz  [email protected]  

Mrs.  Lonneman  and 8th graders surprised the student body and faculty on Monday morning with their names written in a colorful display of chalk names and art in the plaza area. Such a wonderful tradition for our school. Thank you Mrs.  Lonneman and other volunteers.


Act with Justice


Loving Tenderly


Serving One Another


Walking Humbly

With GOD


Vocation Prayer

Most High, Glorious God, enlighten the darkness of our minds. Give us a right faith, a firm hope, and a perfect charity, so that we may always and in all things act according to Your Holy Will.
