
   A Seasonal Newsletter from
   Naturopathic Health Care
  Amy Rothenberg  ND & Paul Herscu ND, MPH

    Summer 2016

   115 Elm Street, Suite 210, Enfield, CT 06082                             1.860.763.1225
In This Issue
Fasting Forward
ND Licensure Effort in MA
Recipe: Juicing!
Emerson Ecologics Discount
Featured Recommendation: Massachusetts Society of Naturopathic Doctors
Scheduling an Appointment
We are currently accepting new patients.  
Call   860.763.1225, Mon-Thurs to schedule an appointment 

For more information about our clinic, click here .

We now accept new patient appointments via TeleMedicine.
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Fasting Forward
As naturopathic physicians with 30 years experience in the clinic, we continue to study and learn about ways our patients can find better health and stay healthy over time. Lengthened overnight fasting is one recommendation we make for some patients as it has been linked to numerous health benefits like regulating insulin and ghrelin (the hunger hormone) levels, lowering triglycerides and reducing overall oxidative stress. It has also been shown to lower breast cancer risk. The idea is to stop eating at x  hour in the evening, then plan breakfast for 13 hours later. This gives you a little wiggle room for social occasions and even some night time snacking. Most patients report success in maintaining this habit; they also report feeling less hungry throughout the day and mention better energy in the morning. This type of "fasting" is free and there are no side effects, two additional attributes of recommendations we like to make for our patients! 
We had the distinct pleasure of working and traveling overseas this summer. We appreciate an adventure in a different culture and how time away offers 
some distance to gain perspective on our lives with each other, about our clinic and in our community. We sometimes wonder how our work might impact the world in positive ways. We hope that by helping individuals and families feel better physically and emotionally, that each person will be able to bring more positive energy and capacity into their families and communities. At times like this, where violence headlines the news and big answers seem remote, we come back to our work, renewed and inspired, to do our small part in helping heal wounds and instill optimism and health in our patients.
Here's to your summer adventures & vibrant health,
Amy Rothenberg ND & Paul Herscu ND, MPH
Strolling cobblestone paths on Stromboli, Sicily, on the way dessert,  gelato!

Licensure Effort in Massachusetts for Naturopathic Doctors Makes Progress
Getting Close! But We're Not There Yet 
MSND Lobbying
Massachusetts Naturopathic Doctors on Lobby Day at the Statehouse in June
by Amy Rothenberg ND 
I am happy to report, S2335 passed the Senate in June. This legislation offers licensure to eligible naturopathic doctors in Massachusetts . This legislation has been vetted for over 20 years. We need to pass the House in the coming weeks & hopefully make it to the Governor's desk!

YOU CAN HELP. If you live in Massachusetts, click here to have an email sent to the Speaker of the House Robert Deleo & Chair of Ways and Means, Brian Dempsey to urge them to pass this bill. A copy of your note will also be sent to your State Representative.

Thank you for your ongoing support for this effort. We can see the finish line now!  


A friend lent us a juicer some months ago and we have been enjoying juicing lots of veggies and some fruit this summer. The benefit of juicing is that you can pack a lot of vitamins and minerals into juice but remember you are not getting the fiber!  We enjoy juicing for a refreshing treat in the warm months; our favorite juice combo at the moment is: carrot, beet, apple, ginger root and turmeric root. 

I sometimes repurpose the remainder pulp into muffin batter or soup stock and enjoy a sprinkle of cinnamon on top of the juice.  I will also juice greens with a little green apple and a shot of Tabasco!  If you decide to do some juicing, don't overdo the fruits,
 too much sugar. And if you are looking to buy a juicer, understand the process involved with cleaning. There are many a juicer living lonely lives in kitchen cabinets because the cleaning process, well, just doesn't seem worth the effort!

Discount on Products from Emerson Ecologics
In an effort to make quality supplements more widely available to our patients and friends, we maintain a virtual dispensary through our office. Products we recommend and use are listed, but you now also have access to the full inventory of products sold by Emerson Ecologics. We trust Emerson as they empty third party assessment of sourcing and content of ingredients contained in the products they carry.

Featured Recommendation: Massachusetts Society of Naturopathic Doctors

In this space we like to share information about a product, service or organization whose work we believe in and support.  This season we are promoting the Massachusetts Society of Naturopathic Doctors ( MSND ) which  is the professional organization of Naturopathic Doctors in the Commonwealth. The MSND was founded in 1980 with the goals of educating the public about the services offered by NDs and making Naturopathic Medicine accessible to all in our communites.

To help finance the legislative effort to license naturopathic doctors in MSND logo Massachusetts,  make a donation to the MSND  here . Thank you for your and support! Together we can get this done!

Hope you enjoy  FieldNotes, but we appreciate that you are inundated with emails and communiques! If you no longer wish to receive FieldNotes, no worries, just click on "SafeUnsubscribe" at the bottom.  If on the other hand, you have a friend you'd like to share this with, click "Forward this email" below.
In health & vitality,
Amy Rothenberg ND & Paul Herscu ND, MPH
Naturopathic Health Care