University of Nebraska
Digital Pulse   iEXCEL's Newsletter  November 2015
Global leadership in transforming human performance & effectiveness in health care
Dear iEXCEL Guiding Coalition,

The iEXCEL team is happy to present the FIRST iEXCEL Newsletter - 'Digital Pulse' - providing you with updates on the latest iEXCEL activities. 

We would appreciate your input! For example, if there is an area of focus that you believe should be included, please do not hesitate to share your thoughts or recommendations.  
This edition covers some of the groundwork being accomplished as we move from "Vision to Reality." These activities include:
  • The recruitment and hiring of two experienced clinical simulation staff and an administrative associate
  • Moving into offices on the 4th floor of the Eppley Cancer Institute
  • Partnering with the University of Nebraska Foundation to prepare the various foundation applications for funding
  • Working closely with Ron Schaefer (Interim Executive Director, Facilities Planning & Construction) and architects to begin the construction planning process
  • Creating the newly organized iEXCEL working group structure 
We hope you enjoy this first edition!

Many thanks to everyone who was involved in successfully recruiting two fine individuals with expertise in interprofessional simulation centers to the University of Nebraska Medical Center; it is with great pleasure that we announce:

The appointment of Benjamin Stobbe, RN, MBA, as Executive Director for Clinical Simulation Integration for iEXCEL as of October 8, 2015. See bio below.

The appointment of Suzanne Torroni – Roberts as Executive Director for Business Development for IEXCEL as of October 15, 2015. See bio below.

Please join us in welcoming both Suzanne and Ben as well as their spouses to Omaha and, once again, thank you all very much for taking part in their interviews and for making UNMC such an inviting place to work. 

We are also delighted to announce that Jaclyn Ostronic has joined the iEXCEL team as Administrative Associate II. In Jaclyn’s previous experience she worked for UNMC's Asia Pacific Rim Development Program.

Collectively, this team is excited to be working with you all. We are looking forward to close collaboration with the faculty and students to help you build upon the excellent foundations that you have created for developing this world-class interprofessional simulation initiative. 
The iEXCEL Team
The iEXCEL offices can be found on the 4th Floor of the Eppley Cancer Institute. 

Pamela Boyers, PhD

Ben Stobbe, RN, MBA

Suzanne Torroni-Robert, BA/BS

Jaclyn Ostronic, MA
Update on iEXCEL Working Groups: 
The Strategic Oversight Group has expanded and includes the Health Science College Deans, Vice Chancellor for Research, NM Chief Transformation Officer, senior administrators and student representatives. This group is now called the iEXCEL Strategic Advisory Group.

In response to strong feedback from the original large iEXCEL Guiding Coalition, and with your input, we have created a less complex structure for moving forward. 
In the next few weeks, Pam Boyers will meet with the leaders of these groups to go over the proposed membership and discuss the focus for each group. Therefore, if you have a strong interest in being an active member of one of these groups now is the time to step forward!

It is important that great ongoing connection occurs between the groups and the College Curriculum Committees. iEXCEL does not drive the curriculum; it is designed to support the development of experiential learning and generate new research and business development opportunities.

A big thank you to all who supported the first 'annual' iEXCEL Expo!  Appreciation goes out to everyone from our talented UNMC innovators to all who helped make it happen and make it a success -  the Sorrell Clinical Simulation Lab, ITS, Public Relations, and of course, UNeMeD.

And yes, we did say annual!  Look for the iEXCEL Expo during next year's Innovation Week! 

Live Virtual Constructive Exercise (LVCE)
Approval for use of photo received through Air Force Research Laboratory’s Human Effectiveness Directorate / 711th Human Performance Wing

SOCOM Demonstration
The UNMC iEXCEL team and members from the Sorrell Clinical Simulation Lab and Emergency Medicine, in collaboration with NSRI, have been selected by the United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) to demonstrate our capabilities in designing, running and assessing Live Virtual Constructive Exercises (LVCE).

The demonstration will take place in early December (Largo, FL) during the USSOCOM call for demonstrations / experimentations - focus surrounding medical training technologies and medical simulations. The demonstration will be designed to highlight our ability to elevate the level of training realism through the inclusion of human patient simulators with critical injuries.  

Scenarios will take place at the point of injury, move through the transfer of care and incorporate mission essential competencies that will assist in evaluating medical, communication and leadership components critical for safety and delivering quality of care.    

Biography: Ben Stobbe, RN, MBA - Executive Director for Clinical Simulation, iEXCEL 
Ben brings a great deal of experience and expertise in designing, equipping and operating interprofessional clinical simulation centers. Formerly Administrative Director and Business Manager of the Center for Medical Education and Innovation at Riverside Methodist Hospital, and more recently, The University of Toledo Interprofessional Immersive Simulation Center (UT-IISC). Ben's combination of clinical, business and administrative backgrounds will help faculty and students develop the optimal iEXCEL facility and programs within the Global Center. Meanwhile, he will work closely to help support the activities within the existing simulation centers and look for opportunities to facilitate the purchasing and selection of simulation equipment, technology and staff. In his role, Ben will help coordinate activities between the simulation centers on the Omaha campus and those across the State.

In addition to working with the UNMC iEXCEL groups, Ben will be responsible for ensuring that clinical simulation and practice are well aligned. He will, therefore, work closely with Michael Ash, Chief Transformation Officer, of Nebraska Medicine. 

Ben and his wife, Deanna, RN are in the process of moving from Toledo, Ohio to Omaha. 
Biography: Suzanne-Torroni Roberts, BA/BS - Executive Director for Business Development, iEXCEL  
Suzanne brings significant experience and expertise in the business development aspects of simulation. In her new role, she will be responsible for the business development strategy for iEXCEL and the sustainability of the Global Center via strategic relationships and partnerships and, in collaboration with UNeMed, will work with industry to help develop the sustainability model for iEXCEL.

Suzanne’s national and global experience in both the aerospace and simulation sales world led her to her previous role at The University of Toledo Interprofessional Immersive Simulation Center (UT-IISC) where she developed the industry collaboration models, creating solid public-private partnerships as well as strong relationships with the military. 

Suzanne and her husband Dan have made the move from Ohio to Omaha and are in the process of settling in.

Many thanks for your ongoing support and enthusiasm for the iEXCEL project and do not
hesitate to contact me if you have thoughts, ideas and suggestions.

Sincere Regards – Pam Boyers, Associate Vice Chancellor Interprofessional Education and Experiential Learning, iEXCEL