Glacier Lake
The Pure and Simple
"He has shoiwed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God."
Micah 6:8
These are the pure and simple! Does this describe you? To act justly means you are impartial, honest, and fair; one who others would say has integrity. If you love mercy it means you are forgiving, compassionate and understanding for the journey that others are on. And to walk humbly says you are unpretentious, there is no air of arrogance about you, no ego-centeredness. You are respectful to all and possess a servant's attitude.
Don't breeze over these character traits lightly. Why? Because before the return of Jesus Christ there will be a revival of primitive godliness as has not been seen since apostolic times. It is a faith that is actually lived out in all of life's relationships including your marriage, family, church and society.
Seriously now, what would it be like if our churches were primarily made up of those who act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with God?
I may be stoned for saying this, but I have not found a denomination or local church primarily made up of the pure and simple. Pure doctrines--perhaps, but a living demonstration--no! Shouldn't they be Siamese twins?
I have found the pure and simple - those living a genuine biblical faith. Some are Adventist, Baptist, Catholic, Evangelical, Mennonite, Pentecostal, and some nondenominational. I would like to round them up and gather them into one community of believers. What sweet fellowship there would be? My soul longs for such an encounter! God focused, spirit filled, and deep worship - I feel so lonely Lord!
The spiritual complacency in the church is an enemy to our souls. It dumbs us down, it numbs our spirituality and breeds an alarming indifference and a mediocre existence. Lord the epicenter of our spiritual lives must be You and You only! It was for your Son Jesus! and it must be for us as well. We must find this or perish as the foolish virgins.
The pure and simple are always counter culture to the world, Society and sad to say even their church. They never quite fit. Just like Jesus never fit in His own church. Can you picture Jesus cheering for the Denver Broncos over the Seattle Seahawks? Promoting Hillary or Trump. Watching the latest Hollywood movie? Ear buds in, listening to Christian rock? No Jesus was too pure and simple and so are His followers. Straight-laced, single minded and out of touch with the world and nominal Christianity. In touch with God, their family and community and the needs of the hurting.
The pure and simple have their own language of full surrender
and complete dependence. They are swift to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger. They are i n tune with God. They daily choose a God governed life over a man managed one. Thus they don't fit! Religion can't satisfy them. Church office can't satisfy them - only God and God alone!
Their model, "For I determined not to know anything among you, save Jesus Christ and Him crucified." 1 Corinthians 2:2 Likely all of them have gone through disappointment, smearing, suffering, rejection, heartache and loneliness. But they have come out the victor rather than the victim.
They have three things in common.
  1. They live a simple life! Jesus lived a simple life and so did Moses, John the Baptist and the apostle Paul, to name a few. This simple life allows them to redeem their time and to live a life under God versus the tyranny of the urgent.
  2. They prioritize! Jesus lived a laser-focused life and He is our Supreme Example. Our faith needs to be a priority, not an add-on. It's not about trying to shoehorn God into a packed schedule; it's about building your schedule around God. That goes for our marriages and families as well. They are to be a priority right after God. What would our churches be like if we were really living such a prioritized life?
  3. They cultivate a sense of God's presence daily! They have become so sensitive to the whispers of Jesus that the lightest whisper moves their souls to action. Always turning to Jesus as the sunflower follows the path of the sun.
As Jesus lived - so are we!
The pure and simple - will you be one of them?
Keeping it pure and simple,
Jim & Sally

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Empowered Living Ministries