Weekly Postings
April 26 - May 5, 2019
In This Issue

WED 5:30 PM
Creation Care
Vestry Installation  Easter Monday

Easter April 21

This Weekend April 27
Master's Table Soup Kitchen
Saturday, April 27, 9-10:45 AM

The Master's Table Soup Kitchen located at 702 Fenwick Street will be staffed and sponsored by Saint Paul's Church volunteers. This is a great opportunity to get to know other parishioners while chopping, stirring, and preparing lunch for 150-250 guests. Contact Al and Laraine Yarbrough for more information.
Our Schedule This Sunday April 28
8:00 AM
Holy Eucharist, Rite I
without music

9:30 - 10:30 AM 
Formation classes for all ages (see schedule below)
The Nursery is available.

10:30 - 10:45 AM  
Coffee and Conversation (Tyler Hall)

11:00 AM 
Holy Eucharist, Rite II
with the Saint Paul's and Canterbury Choirs
The Nursery is available.

following 11:00 AM  
Lemonade on the Lawn

12:00 - 2:00 PM  
EYC at Saint Paul's 

5:30 PM 
Celtic Evening Prayer 
and Communion  with Prayers for Healing 
Robyn Macey (flute) and Keith Shafer (piano) are our musicians. 
Formation Classes This Sunday April 28

RECTOR'S FORUM, Year-round
Leader: Fr. Muir and guests
Location: Parlor

The Rector's Forum offers a time and place for engaging conversation that is not anchored to a specific curriculum or topic. Always we consider how to honestly and faithfully live out our Baptismal vows, whatever the topic of the day.

Transforming our concerns into concrete pledges
Facilitator: Fr. Jenkins
Location: Berlin Room 

At your command all things came to be: the vast expanse of interstellar space, galaxies, suns, the planets in their courses, and this fragile earth, our island home.
The Holy Eucharist, The Book of Common Prayer, p 370.

All are invited by the Creation Care Committee to participate in a series of gatherings throughout the Easter season that will help each of us transform our concern for God's creation into a concrete pledge for "loving, liberating, and life-giving relationship with the whole of creation." This series is inspired by  the Episcopal Church's Creation Care initiatives; explore here:

At each gathering, we WILL: make space for participation; raise awareness; share insights and concerns; reflect on  our experiences through Scriptures; pray and ponder God's calling.

We will NOT: force participation; shame anyone or debate anyone's experiences; allow anyone to dominate or thwart the group's focus. Between each gathering, participants will have the option to reflect on and craft their own personal pledge to care for God's whole creation. 

Gathering #1: 

Overview & Introduction, video excerpts from Our Planet , handouts provided 
Our Planet | Official Trailer [HD] | Netflix
Our Planet | Official Trailer [HD] | Netflix
FAITH & NATURE: Divine Adventures of Life on Earth
Grades 6 - 12
Leader: Todd Shafer and company
Location: The Upper Room (Upstairs Parish House)

What is up with science, the universe and God and ME? We will dig in and wonder about our place in God's creation... BUT FIRST, breakfast to get the morning going! 
Questions about formation? Contact Todd Shafer.


WEAVING GOD'S PROMISES -- Ages 8-11 or Grades 3 - 5
Leader: Coleman Graham and company
Location: Blue Room, Children's Ministries Center

Our bigger children will immerse themselves in an Episcopal formation experience rooted in the stories of our faith as presented in Matthew's Gospel. In this first of a three-year cycle, our children encounter the story of our salvation from the fall to our redemption and how we fit into the story. Our theme in this curriculum year is "God loves us and stays with us-no matter what." Every session incorporates theology and history from our Episcopal-Anglican perspective. Questions??? Contact Coleman Graham or Fr. John.

GODLY PLAY -- 4s to 8, Kindergarten thru 2nd grade
Leaders: Kim Butler & Ivey Coleman
Location: Godly Play Room, Children's Ministry Center

We take children and their relationship with God seriously and seek to provide both space to foster encounters with God and the language necessary to make meaning of those experiences. Within the Godly Play classroom, the Biblical narrative is lovingly presented to children using beautiful materials with an invitation to step into each story with awe and wonder. Children are then allowed time to respond to and reflect on their experience of the story.

Arrive between 9:25 AM and 9:30  AM. Pick up is 10:25-10:30  AM. Take a Parent Page from the table so you can talk your child about "their work" and wonder with them throughout the week about the sacred story. Questions??? Contact Kim Butler, Ivey Coleman, or Fr. John
This Sunday April 28
A Flower Guild Thank You

The Flower Guild expresses their joyous thank you to our parishioners for Easter lily sponsorships. We are solely dependent upon your generous sponsorships and support, to provide weekly altar arrangements to the glory of God. Please contact the parish office to calendar "your date." 

With deep appreciation, 
The Flower Guild.
EYC (Episcopal Youth Community, Grades 6-12)
Easter Egg Hunt
Sunday, April 28, 12:00-2:00 PM

EYC meets next Sunday, April 28, immediately following the 11  AM service for a Youth Easter Egg Hunt and lunch. Pick up at Saint Paul's at 2 PM. Please RSVP to Todd Shafer
 or for more information.

Veterans' Ice Cream Social
Sunday, April 28, 2:15-4:00 PM

Join us for our quarterly Veterans' Ice Cream Social, Sunday, April 28, 2:15-4:00 PM, at the Georgia War Veterans' Nursing Home located at 1101 15th Street. We'll dish and serve ice cream and cookies; then spend much-appreciated time visiting our oft-forgotten heroes. All ages are welcome to participate. Contact Louis Walker for more information.
Primetime (Adults 50+)
Sunday, April 28, 6-8 PM

RSVP now for the Spring Primetime Party (next Sunday, April 28, 6:30-8:30 PM, at the home of Julie and Billy Badger. Sign up here or in the Narthex on Sunday. $5 per person at the door. Bring an appetizer to share. Need address/directions?  Email the Parish Office.
YEA (Young Episcopal Adults)
Sunday, April 28, 7 PM

Calling all 20-30-somethings for a monthly gathering following Celtic Evening Prayer & Communion at the home of John Jenkins. (Celtic Service attendance is not a qualifier!) BYOB and an easy side. RSVP for directions to John.

"Free the Girls" Bra Drive
Ends Sunday

"Free the Girls" bra drive ends this Sunday. Yes, you read that correctly. Bras and the second-hand clothing market provide a safe and powerful economic opportunity for women in the developing countries that " Free the Girls" serve. The St. Ruth Byllesby Chapter of the Daughters of the King at Saint Paul's will be coordinating a "Free the Girls" Bra Drive through April. Collection boxes decorated white/aqua are located in Tyler Hall and the Narthex.
Next Week  April 29 - May 5
Daughters of the King Discernment Classes for New Members
Beginning May 1

The St. Ruth Byllesby Chapter of the Order of the Daughters of the King (DoK) will offer discernment classes for new members beginning May 1, 2019. DoK is an international prayer and service order in the Episcopal Church, and The St. Ruth Byllesby Chapter is part of the ministries of Saint Paul's Church. If you are interested in discernment classes or have questions about the DoK, please email Suzanne Pursley-Crotteau at or call her at (706) 910-9331.  
100th Anniversary Celebration - Home Coming
Sunday, May 5, 11 AM 
service  (No 8 AM service)

As the people of Saint Paul's, other parishes, and the larger community came together to consecrate and dedicate our present church building 100 years ago, so on May 5th at 11 AM, we will gather to re-dedicate ourselves and our Church building to God's glory and God's purpose. Following the service we will gather in the River Room for a covered dish lunch. 

The service will include music from the 1919 service, and portions of the service of Consecration of a Church. This is a great opportunity to invite former members, old and new friends, and all who have felt the impact of Saint Paul's in their lives and the life of Augusta. 

Plan on being a part of this day as we give thanks for what we have been given by those who have come before us.
Parish Dinner in the River Room 
May 5, following the 11 AM service

Saint Paul's will be celebrating its 100th year Consecration of the Church and Homecoming on Sunday, May 5th, 2019.  We will meet in the River Room following the 11 AM service to share a meal and greet old friends.  Bring a dish or dessert that would have been served at a potluck 100 years ago! We look forward to fellowship, food, and fun!  Questions,  Contact Claudia Figueroa 

As always we need a team to help set up, serve, and clean up!  Please sign up using our  Sign-up genius account here

New Time Capsule to be buried at Saint Paul's 
May 5, 10:30 AM

In researching the Consecration of the Church, the History Committee discovered several time capsules had been buried at Saint Paul's with the cornerstones.  In celebration of the re-consecration on May 5th, a time capsule will be buried on the grounds of the church at 10:30 AM., in a ceremony conducted by three area Masonic Lodges: Social No. 1 F&AM, Webb No. 166 F&AM, and John S, Davidson No. 677 F&AM. Social No. 1 ceremonially laid the cornerstone of Saint Paul's  Church in 1819. Social  No. 1 &  Webb No. 166  also laid the cornerstone of Saint Paul's Church in 1916.  To learn more about these archive discoveries or about the new time capsule, contact Jaime Figueroa.
Two Open Sundays for Altar Flowers
June 9 & June 23

There are two open Sundays for altar arrangements in the second quarter: June 9 & 23. If anyone would kindly like to sponsor a Sunday in honor or memory of someone or "many" someones, please contact the Parish Office. The normal charge is a minimum of $100. What a lovely way to remember or honor someone and contribute to the Flower Guild at the same time.
Looking Ahead 
Welcome to Saint Paul's for Newcomers and Visitors
Sunday, May 12, 10-10:45 AM

New to the Saint Paul's community? Wondering what your next steps might be? Get your questions answered and meet some of our staff and parish leaders in an informal gathering in the parlor Sunday, May 12, 10 AM. RSVP to Elisabeth in the Parish Office.

EfM: Calling the Curious

Are you curious enough to explore the meaning of Holy Scripture, the history and traditions of Christianity, and our ever-changing understanding of God so that you more deeply live into your faith? Consider joining an Education for Ministry (EfM) small-group study and spiritual growth program. There are two classes - One on Sunday night that has room for six (6) additional members and another on Tuesday morning that can accommodate three (3) more. Additionally, anyone who has previously completed EfM can join a group seminar for YR-1, 2, 3, or 4 with only the purchase of the books. Contact Saint Paul's EfM Mentors, Suzanne Pursley-Crotteau and Kathleen Chandler  or Fr. John Jenkins to have a full conversation about it. WE LOVE EfM!

Birthday Sunday
Sunday, May 12, 10:30-10:45 AM

Pub Theology
Tuesday, May 14, 7  PM

Wednesday Night Fellowship Dinner 
Wednesday, May 15, 6-7 PM

Manna Pantry 
Friday & Saturday, May 17 & 18 

Senior Sunday
Sunday, May 19
Creation Care News
Did you know?
Beeswax candles used in our church must be replaced before they're fully used. We hope you can find a second purpose for them. Please take a pair from the table in the narthex if you would like!

Next Creation Care Meeting
May 1, 5:30 PM

 Contact Nancy Cercy for more information about the Creation Care Committee.
News from the Diocese

 Click here to read this week's Diocese of GA Newsletter: From the Field

April 2019
Are we missing your birthday?
Please contact the Parish Office to update our files.

Our "Second Sunday"  Birthday Celebration  will be April 7.  

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