Dear friends, hope you are staying safe and staying strong!

We are all moving further into the coronavirus era, making sense, adapting, creating and innovating … processing the waves of shock and grief, struggling with the constraints and terrifying social and economic impacts, with painful evidence of inequality and racial divides, and surprising solidarity and creativity showing new ways forward.

How are you grappling? What have you been learning about how we care for each other, how we mobilize our power and brilliance together to create a better future? 

In the US, it is Memorial Day weekend, honoring those who have died serving in the military. It feels like a moment also to honor those who have given their lives to the fight against COVID-19.

Frontline health workers, frontline essential workers - nurses, doctors, cleaners, first responders, bus drivers, grocery and food manufacturing workers.  People risking their lives out of calling or necessity. They might be considered wartime heroes, and deserve our gratitude and material support.

At PWI, we are looking forward to hosting Arny and Amy’s seminar coming soon, May 30 .

We feel the absence of Worldwork 2020 (which would have been now!)… and there is some solace to be gathering together as an international community for this special online-only covid-19 adapted seminar with the Mindells.   Don’t miss it - last days to register!

In Portland, we have been adapting and co-creating online training with our MAPOF cohorts this Spring. Processwork is a deeply experiential, multi-sensory practice, engaging all levels and parts of ourselves. And, from the beginning we have used technology to bridge physical distance, to allow learning and practice communities to flourish in a non-local network. It is challenging but worth it.

Our MAPOF5 cohort are navigating their final assessment quarter, working hard in their deeply transformational community exam process. Students work in front of faculty and their peers, and everyone learns together by doing and observing.  

We are proud and excited to see them navigate this transition. It might seem strange, but the MAPOF exams are often called the ‘highlight of the program.' It is a birthing process, emerging from studentship to graduate, a transitional gateway to mark their two years of intensive learning and achievements.

Join us online Saturday, July 11th, to celebrate the MAPOF5 graduation!
Please save the date for our first ever online-only commencement ceremony!

What about the future? We will follow process of course! We plan to have safely distanced in person training groups by the Fall, if Oregon continues to do well. But we’re also exploring new technologies for better interactive online learning in this new normal … stay tuned for more information coming soon!

Love from all of us here,

P.S. Did you miss any community events over the last few months? Watch this space, we'll be posting some video recordings.

And don't forget to catch up on Dawn Menken's live webinar: Engaging with Dying, Death and Grief, presented April 2, 2020. Dawn will be continuing these popular monthly webinars ... do you have a topic you'd like her to cover? Write to - subject line - Dawn's webinar topic.
Hellene Gronda, Executive Director
Ph.D, PW. Dipl, MA, BSc/BA(Hons) 
Hellene has a life-long interest in personal and collective change and has been inspired by Processwork for over 30 years. An experienced leader in government and nonprofit settings she values the deep optimism and courageous spirit of Processwork, and its ability to find creative and unexpected solutions to the most difficult, confusing or inexplicable challenges.
Masters in Process-Oriented Facilitation & Conflict Studies
Now more than ever we need skills to navigate inner and outer experiences, disturbances, and change.
Have you been dreaming about joining our masters program?
Our next cohort for the  Master of Arts in Process Oriented Facilitation & Conflict Studies  is beginning this October and we are accepting applications!

The Master of Arts in Process-Oriented Facilitation and Conflict Studies (MAPOF) is our integrative, two-year foundational training program in the process-oriented approach to the facilitation and study of inner and outer conflicts. This program prepares graduates to be facilitators of psychological and group change, building on a foundation of personal growth and development, and practical facilitation training. Facilitation is a cross-disciplinary set of skills and attitudes that can be applied in conflict resolution, coaching, counseling, and organizational consultancy or leadership.
COVID-19: Humanity’s 2020 Global Teacher, Ready or Not ... with Emetchi
Thursday, May 28th
9-10.30am OR 4-5.30pm PST
(choose 1 class time each day)

Everyone welcome ~ free of charge donations appreciated

We are over two months into the explosion of the invisible highly infectious and often deadly COVID-19 virus with cascading crises happening as we humans learn more about it and adapt our lives around it. Like most social traumas it brings out both the worst and best aspects of human nature irrespective of our walk in life or in the context within which the virus affects us.

Join is for a trauma-informed processwork oriented learning adventure where we will:
  • Restock our everyday toolkit and use our dreaming mind to alchemize anxiety and suffering
  • Look at phases of experience and ways to make meaning and connect to mythical underpinnings
  • Facing tomorrow – reorient our collective direction or business as usual?
Community Meetings during extraordinary COVID-19 times
 hosted by Elva Redwood

Sunday, May 24th, 9-10:30am PST
Sunday, May 31st 6-7:30pm PST

Open space to connect, hold & deepen our experiences during these extraordinary times
Online Case Supervision
with Dawn Menken

Wednesdays, 5:00-6:30pm PST
May 27th, June 17th
Wednesday, 11:00am-12:30pm PST
June 10th

Case supervision provides an opportunity to develop a process-oriented approach to working with individuals, couples & groups by working with real-life examples from participants. Participants will have the opportunity to be selected to present cases from their professional or personal life & receive individualized coaching, while the group observes & learns together.
Join us online!
New World Leader-Facilitator Training Seminar To Realize Your Greatest Dreams For Our World
with Arny & Amy Mindell
Arny in Berlin
Saturday, May 30th
10am - 1pm & 2:30-5:30pm PST

sliding scale option available
Online SUPERVISION for Individual, Relationship and Group Processwork: Support & Learning for a Better World
with Arny Mindell

Monday, June 1st, 4:30 - 7:30pm PST
sliding scale option available
The Play and Art of Community
with Suzette Payne
an innerwork art making meditation for community awareness and support in creatively processing the diversity of experiences in our shared Coronavirus world

Tuesdays, June 2nd, 16th, & 30th
noon - 1pm PST
 Free of charge ~ all welcome
No art experience is needed!

More info here !

From Suzette: "Thanks to those who have been joining us in the All hands for Art, Art of you classes. We have been offering, every two weeks, an innerwork art making meditation for community awareness and support in processing the challenges of the Coronavirus. It is a welcoming space to follow oneself, while making art and being connected to our greater community. It’s an amazing time together where many different awarenesses and diversity of experiences are shared creatively, while exploring our coronavirus experiences. Learning from each other and deepening understanding of the depth of this time happen in themes such as ‘walking on eggshells’, ‘journeying to the beginning’, ‘life behind the door’, ‘potential of life’, ‘searching for a true place in me’, ‘evolving circles’, ‘enough or not’, ‘feeling excluded and being invited to join’, ‘desiring a hug’, ‘keep standing’, ‘using full attention and awe’, ‘choices as individuals and choices as societies’."

Here are two examples of the art making and witness of the art
Red Feet
What would it be like to only have feet?
Only seeing things from one perspective.
How to open up to other sides instead?
Like a flower with petals unfurling.
Walking helps, even so.
Rivers of tears flowing to a center of green.
New growth in spring time. 
What will we learn? 
Who will we be as we adapt to these challenges and change?
Bird of Life   Bird of Death
There is a Bird of Life
Talking to a Bird of Death
A closer connection creates Winds of Change.
It is a creative relationship.
Being to non-being
Non-being to Being
The Virus creates a deeper dialogue.
I ask: What is necessary Here?
How to be with both of you inside myself?
Life brings Death, Death brings Life.
I am challenged to embrace the Fullness of you both.
Seeing through Two eyes creating depth and knowing.
Special Online Dreambody Medicine Forums
Community Space to Process Experiences of COVID-19
with the  Dreambody Medicine Team : Kara Wilde, Pierre Morin, Jai Tomlin & Emetchi

Saturday, June 6th
10-11:30am PST

Free of charge ~ No registration required

Join us for a special series of forums focused on the Coronavirus. In these forums we will explore the link between individual experience of body symptoms with larger cultural and social issues. We hope to bring an atmosphere of exploration, curiosity and enrichment.
More info here !
Do you have a special processwork quote?

Anne Murphy likes to take a quote from processwork, put it with a picture and turn it into post for our FB page. She is looking for inspiration.

Would you, if you have a special quote please share it - with attribution where possible. Short quotes work best to fit in with a picture.

If you have a PW quote that inspires, troubles, or tickles you please pass it on -
Class series with Gary Reiss!
in person if safe - updates in June
Dreambody and Deep Bodywork
Saturday & Sunday, July 18th - 19th
Early registration deadline July 3rd

Altered & Extreme States
Saturday & Sunday, September 12th - 13th
Early registration deadline August 29th

Healing History - Working with Personal & Historical Trauma
Saturday & Sunday, November 21st - 22nd
Early registration deadline November 7th

If you would like to attend all courses please call PWI to register & receive discount pricing.  

We are grateful for our processwork community and how people are coming together, sharing offerings and caring for each another. If you feel moved and able to support us financially during these precarious times you can donate here .
Questions? Talk to Melissa

Remember you can always chat with our Outreach Coordinator, Melissa Perry, to find out more or explore the full range of training opportunities at the Process Work Institute.

Reach Melissa at
Process Work Institute | 503-223-8188 | |