Links of the Week: Sha’ar Zahav is in the news! Check out this article by the Forward highlighting Sha'ar Zahav as a historically LGBTQ congregation, and this article by jweekly, turning the spotlight on our 16th annual Pride Seder.
#Shabbat: Join Us this Week
Sha'ar Zahav Anniversary Shabbat and Va'ad (Lay Board) Installation: Jul 9 at 7:30 pm

Led by Rabbi Copeland and Eliana Smithstein. D'rash by Paul Cohen. Register Here. Meeting ID: 452 290 988.

Take a trip with us down memory lane! Come see photos from the founding of Sha'ar Zahav, hear a d'rash by one of our founding members, and experience original pieces of Sha'ar Zahav liturgy not in our siddur.

Saturday Morning Service: Jul 10 at 10 am

Join the Zoom Meeting. Meeting ID: 365 434 855 and Passcode: 068575.

To join by phone for either service, dial +1 669 900 9128 or find your local number.

#New: Mark Your Calendar for...
Exploring Jewish Resilience June 23 ITK
Exploring Jewish Resilience with Rabbi Jessica Rosenberg
Two-part event: Sunday, July 18 and 25
5:30 - 7 pm

What is the concept of resilience within Jewish culture? We have innate wisdom developed over generations about what sustains and nurtures life. Our traditions contain a variety of resilience building practices and tools. With guest teacher Rabbi Jessica Rosenberg, join together to learn about, practice, and walk away with Jewish resilience building practices and tools.

In session one, we will build shared frameworks of resilience that are aligned with our anti-oppression values. We will explore what Jewish tradition has to offer our understandings and embodied experiences of resilience. In session two, we will collectively support each other to develop or deepen Jewish practices that support our resilience.

Making Your Final Arrangements with Sinai Memorial Chapel's Executive Director, Sam Salkin
Thursday, August 12
7:00 - 8:30 pm

During the pandemic, many people expressed anxiety about what will happen to them when they die. There can be a certain peace of mind in knowing that you have your affairs in order and that your wishes will be honored. 

Sinai Memorial Chapel is the only Jewish funeral home in the Bay Area. We have invited Sinai’s Executive Director Sam Salkin to participate in a discussion of end-of-life plans, including making decisions about your funeral and final resting place. The most important topic, however, will be the questions that you have on your mind.

If you are not able to attend this event, or are interested in learning more, please fill out this form.

#SocialAction: Get Involved
Climate Action Committee
Monday, July 12
5:00 - 6:30 pm

Are you concerned about environmental degradation? Want to work with other Sha’ar Zahavniks against climate change? Come share your ideas, get support, and have fun while we work together on some of the most pressing issues facing the planet. Contact Deborah Levy with any questions.

Join the Meeting: Zoom link
Social Action Committee
New meeting date this month
Next meeting will be Monday, July 12
6:00 - 7:30 pm

On fair elections, welcoming the stranger, secure housing and food, ending gun violence, and more! The Social Action Committee is currently working on advancing the “Equality Act” (federal LGBT rights) and the “For the People Act” (assuring national fair elections). Want to join us? Come to our next meeting or contact Nancy Wecker or Geri Kahn.

Join the Meeting: Zoom link
Racial Equity Group Meeting
Thursday, July 8
5:00 - 6:30 pm

Interested in working toward racial justice in and outside Sha’ar Zahav? Come to our meeting and let's talk! We have a lot to discuss and work towards together. Questions? You may contact Larry Best.

Join the Meeting: Zoom link
Reparations: What Are Reparations, and How Do Jewish Values Call Us to Address this question? 
Sunday, July 25
4:00 - 5:30 pm

Reparations are an important part of the path to racial equity in this country, but the word can mean many things. Deborah Levy will give an overview of conversations and initiatives currently in play, in the context of our Jewish values. Hershel Daniels Jr., of the African Diaspora Directorate and Friends of the African Union, will join us to present his "Black Folks Plan" for Reparations. 

Join us as we continue our anti-racism work at Sha'ar Zahav, learning, asking, discussing, reflecting, and considering actions that will lead to greater equity and justice. This event is sponsored by Sha’ar Zahav’s Racial Equity Group.

Presented by the Racial Equity group.

Join the Meeting: Zoom link
#Learning: Keep Growing
Weekly Torah Study Group
Weekly on Thursdays
8:30 - 9:30 am

Study the weekly Torah portion with Rabbi Copeland and lay leaders. For the first half hour, we’ll talk, learn and share thoughts about the portion. In the second half, we will practice our Hebrew reading skills in a compassionate environment! Join for either or both parts of the study.

Join the Zoom Meeting: Zoom link

Weekly Mussar Group
Weekly on Thursdays
7:00 - 8:00 pm

Mussar is a very practical and flexible spiritual discipline to help you balance soul-traits (Middah/Middot) such as Humility, Loving-Kindness, Generosity, and Silence. Drop-ins are always welcome! For more information, contact Mark Pressler.

Join the Zoom Meeting: Zoom link
Summer Zohar Reading Circle with Rabbi Copeland
Weekly on Mondays from Jul 12 - Aug 23
12:30 - 1:30 pm

Are you intrigued by Jewish mysticism, Kabbalah? This summer, join Rabbi Copeland for an informal reading group of the Zohar, the central work of Kabbalah. Newcomers to Kabbalah or experienced readers are all welcome.
Please obtain Daniel Chanan Matt’s book, Zohar: Annotated & Explained. It’s easy to find online and there are places to borrow it as well - just ask Rabbi Copeland. All texts will be in translation. You don’t need to attend every session, but registration is necessary.

Free to Members & $36 Fee for Non-members. Register Here to Attend.
#Community: Let's Get Together
Caring for the Caregivers: A Support Group by the Family Caregiver Alliance

2nd Thursday of the month until Nov 11
Next meeting Thursday, August 12
7:00 - 9:00 pm

This group provides a place for family caregivers to get support and hear from other caregivers. It is moderated by a Licensed Clinical Social Worker from the Family Caregiver Alliance and is open to caregivers who are caring for older adults or adults with disabilities. Brought to you by the Hineni Caring Community.

Limited spots. For Sha’ar Zahav members. Fee: $125, but no one will be turned away. Please email Rabbi Copeland to apply for a scholarship or if you are interested and you’re not a member. This is not a drop-in group, so we ask that you are able to commit to all the sessions.

For Sha'ar Zahav Members Only. Register Here to Attend.
Weekly Art Group: Drop-in
Thursday, July 15
11:00 am - 12:00 pm

Drop in for a joyful hour of free art-making and connection. Everyone is welcome! The group meets every Thursday. For more information, contact Paisha Rochlin, Barbara Cymrot or AJ Turpen Fried.

Join the Zoom Meeting: Zoom link
12-Step Meetings by and for Sha’ar Zahav Members
Weekly on Sundays
1:00 - 2:00 pm

Come listen and share experience, strength, and hope with other members of the Sha’ar Zahav community! Starting on Sunday, June 13th, CSZ will be hosting a weekly 12-step gathering for those members of our community who identify as part of any 12-step community (AA, NA, CMA, Alanon, SA, etc.).

The meeting will be run in the usual 12-step format but will also feature some thoughts and reflections from members who are working to bring their Jewish selves and Jewish traditions to their 12-step practice. The meetings will be on Zoom until further notice. Contact Erika Katske with any questions.

For Sha'ar Zahav Members Only. Register Here to Attend.
Weekday Morning Prayer
Weekly on Tuesdays
8:30 - 9:00 am

Songs and prayers to set our hearts and minds! This service takes place every Tuesday morning, and is led by community lay leaders and Cantor Bernstein. For more information, contact Cantor Bernstein.

Join the Zoom Meeting: Zoom link
Meditation Chavurah
Saturday, July 17
10:30 am - Noon

Everyone is welcome. And you will not regret it! A typical session includes a short and longer silent sit, with chanting, movement, and a short teaching. The group meets on the first and third Saturday of every month.

Join the Zoom Meeting: Zoom link
Va'ad (Board) Meeting
Wednesday, July 21
7:00 - 9:00 pm

Today is our regular monthly board meeting. We have many updates to share, and will have time to answer questions as well. All Sha'ar Zahav members are welcome to attend Va'ad meetings.

Join the Zoom Meeting: Zoom link
Connection Circles with Carey Averbook: You Belong Here!

Are you missing meeting new people? And feeling disconnection with people over zoom? Do you feel seen and heard? Join Sha'ar Zahav member Carey Averbook for a connection circle!

Come with lunch or dinner. This will be a time for us to come together and get to know each other as a group and in 1:1 breakouts without the discomfort or awkwardness that Zoom brings up for many of us. Bring your whole self, broken hearted or full hearted, but come open and ready to receive and share authentic connection. Questions? Contact Carey Averbook.

Lunch Circle: July 21 from Noon - 1 pm RSVP Here.
Dinner Circle: July 28 from 6-7 pm. RSVP Here.
#Opportunity: Volunteer Your Support
Seeking Volunteer Support for the High Holy Days

Do you know how to manage Facebook Ads and Google Adsense? Can you analyze metrics? Have you run online campaigns before? The Sha'ar Zahav Marketing Committee is looking for volunteer support for the High Holy Days.

For more information, please contact Jo Ellen,
We Also Recommend
The Story of the Czech Torah Scrolls:
World War II to the Present
Wednesday, July 21st
7:00 - 8:00 pm

Lois Roman, a Trustee of the Memorial Scrolls Trust, will share the history of the Czech Torah scrolls, tracing their role as part of a vibrant European Jewish community prior to WWII, through restoration and reintegration into Jewish communities around the globe. The scrolls survived the war, although the community did not. After decades in storage, over 1400 scrolls were restored and distributed to Jewish communities around the world, including 20 scrolls that are in Northern California. One of which is at Sha'ar Zahav!

This free event is presented by Corte Madera Library, a branch of Marin County Free Library, and generously sponsored by the Friends of the Corte Madera Library. Click here for more information.

#Shabbat: Join Us Next Week
Friday Night Service: Jul 16 at 7:30 pm

Led by Rabbi Mychal Copeland and Bari June Gregory. D'rash by Ora Prochovnick. Register Here. Meeting ID: 452 290 988.

Saturday Morning Service: Jul 17 at 10 am

Join the Zoom Meeting. Meeting ID: 365 434 855 and Passcode: 068575.

To join by phone for either service, dial +1 669 900 9128 or find your local number.

Contact to sponsor a Shabbat
July Birthdays
Mindy Oppenheim, 07/07
Laura Trupin, 07/08
Marc Lipsett, 07/08
Gavrielle Sontag, 07/08
Yuval Gnessin, 07/08
Vincent Reybet-Degat, 07/08
Hannah Pines-Schwartz, 07/08
Steven Elman, 07/09
Carolyn Pines, 07/09
David Sherman, 07/10
Ikuko Korthof, 07/11
Kelly Thiemann, 07/12
Naomi Zingman-Daniels, 07/12
Deborah Udin, 07/13
Jonathan Zimman, 07/13
Jonah Malamud, 07/14
Samuel Walters, 07/16
David Zinn, 07/16
Eliana Smithstein, 07/16

Lois Scott, 07/16
Lisa Meier, 07/16
Gabriel Press-Becker, 07/18
Nina Sariaslani, 07/18
Terry Fletcher, 07/19
Maia Ross Trupin, 07/20
Vicens Sanmartin Cano, 07/21
Nancy Meyer, 07/23
Ron Edelman, 07/23
Andy McDonald, 07/24
Ryan Seffinger, 07/24
Finch Matai DiGirolamo Klein, 07/25
Alan Ferrara, 07/26
Ashton Nielsen, 07/28
Susan Schwartz, 07/28
Prudence Carter, 07/30
Elizabeth Cohen, 07/31
Naomi Fox, 07/31

Thank You to Our Grantors
Programs at Sha’ar Zahav are supported by the Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund, the Gilbert and Eleanor Kraus Initiative for Immigrant and Refugee Justice of the Religious Action Center, San Francisco Humanities, and the National Center to Encourage Judaism.
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