Jewelry That Makes You Think.

In the last few years, we've asked our readers this question, then posted your answers on our website.

The people in our community have different definitions of art jewelry. We want to know what you think art jewelry is, in your own words. Please submit in an image of art jewelry and a few sentences explaining what art jewelry means to you. We'll post it in a photo essay at the end of October.

We hope to hear from all our constituencies—students, artists, curators, collectors, educators, writers, enthusiasts, etc. This will give a holistic view of what people think, and we’ll all be able to see if and how the view of art jewelry has evolved.

Caption: Silke Spitzer, braided necklace, 2018, necklace, cotton, silver, 30 x 40 cm, photo: Eric Tschernow

Here's what Silke Spitzer told us art jewelry was to her, back in 2018: "Art jewelry to me is a very human and ancient way to define the soulfulness and spirituality in one’s daily life. Besides the nowadays functionality, we are longing for a meaning beyond the surface. Art jewelry is helping to express individual values and priorities beyond common beauty rules and bloody diamonds. Art jewelry is a shelter, some kind of peaceful armor, it is a sign of innocent love and humanity.”

Follow AJF on Instagram for your daily inspiration images of the best art jewelry from around the world. Follow the trends, be the first to know, and BE INSPIRED. Follow us at @artjewelryforum_org.