Farmington Valley American Muslim Center
THURSDAY JUNE 21st , 2018
Asalamu Alaikum,

We hope you had a joyous Eid , had a chance to spend time with your loved ones, and catch up on sleep.

We would like to thank our members for being part of our Ramadan and Eid activities and celebrations. A big thank you to everyone who sponsored an Iftar, made a donation, or helped with their time and effort.

Alhamdulliah , we have collected over $6000 for Zakatul-Fitr (Fitrana) and we are blessed to have been able to disperse this money to needy local Muslim refugee families. These families includes: a widow from Afghanistan with four children; a Syrian family with 8 children and a father with a disability; a widow from central Africa with a chronic disease and a 13 year child; a Syrian family with a father suffering from a terminal illness; a Sudanese family with a visually impaired father and 9 children; and a Sudanese widow with two children, one with a congenital deformity. These funds will be used to pay for their rental shortfall and other living expenses.

We also would like to acknowledge those who contributed to the gift cards that were given to needy families for Eid . Each of six families received a gift card for $150 that they used to buy clothes and other items.

May Allah SWT accept from all of you.