Farmington Valley American Muslim Center
Asalamu Alaikum,
FVAMC Academy . Once again, we welcome parents and students to our first day of FVAMC Academy 2018-2019 this Sunday September 9th. Alhamdulliah , we have already reached full capacity and enrolled close to 170 students - our largest enrollment yet. As a result, we are not accepting any new registrations. For those parents willing to place their children on the waiting list, we will have our staff available immediately after Jumma. We will not be able to register any one on Sunday, but our Office staff will be available to answer questions and receive payments as full payment must be made by this Sunday.
Br. Safwan Shaikh . We are thrilled to introduce Br. Safwan Shaikh who will assume the role of Imam and Chaplain at FVAMC. Br. Safwan is a local. He spent most of his childhood in Connecticut. While attending the University of Connecticut, he took time off to study Arabic and the Islamic Sciences. He then competed his studies with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology. He is currently pursuing a Masters in Islamic Studies and Islamic Chaplaincy at the Hartford Seminary. Please join us in welcoming him to this community and the new role.
Event . FVAMC is an active participant and sponsor of an interfaith event organized by the Farmington Valley League of Light. The League of Light is a multi-faith umbrella organization, of which FVAMC is a member. The event "Embracing the Other: Let’s talk about Difference and Connection" will be held on October 28 2:30-5:30 pm at Our Lady of Calvary Retreat Center (31 Colton St., Farmington). Admission is free, but you must register to reserve a seat. For registration and more information, please visit:

Event . The Muslim Coalition of CT (MCCT) announced that it was awarded a grant from Islamic Relief to help establish a halal food pantry for needy families in our area. In partnership with Hands on Hartford, MCCT will handing out zabiha qurbani meat this coming Saturday (9/8/18) 11:00-3:00pm at Hands on Hartford (55 Bartholomew Ave, Hartford). In addition, a pantry will be open for regular grocery food items after Saturday. For questions, call/text 860-794-5141. 

Event . The FVAMC community has been invited to participate in a food packing event with Emanuel Lutheran Church (311 Capitol Avenue, Hartford) on Sunday September 30, 2018. Time flexible. For signup and information, please email us at 
We are looking for volunteers to hand out food during our Mobile Foodshare distribution every other Tuesday (next distribution date September 18th) 9:45-10:30 AM at FVAMC (35 Harris Road, Avon). If interested, please RSVP to
Our regular activities will be held as scheduled:
  • Friday Service (Jumma) 1:00-1:30 pm
  • Congregational Prayers (Salatul Jama'a): Fajr 5:20 am, Duhr 1:15 pm, Asr 4:45 pm, Maghreb 7:25 pm, Isha 9:00 pm
  • Friday night Halaqa following Maghreb (around 7:30 pm)
  • Saturday night Young Muslim Boys 7:00 pm
  • FVAMC Academy 11:00-1:30