A Humorous Take on the

World of Sales and Management

George Carlin joked about the seven words you can never say on TV.   Did you know there are also seven words you should never say to a prospect?


Because they kill sales.....
These Words Set Off Alarms
It's the Lizard Brain at work. These words go straight to your subconscious mind, and deliver negative associations, negative ramifications, and negative consequences.
You may not be aware your sales language is setting off a four-alarm fire in the customer's subconscious brain.

Don't Say "Buy"

Everyone likes to own, but nobody likes to buy. Buying means you are making a decision. You are spending money. You are making a commitment. The Lizard Brain doesn't like to buy, it likes to own.

Instead, have your customer "Invest".  Why? Investments provide returns, they generate profits, they earn money. We all like money and profits, right? So, don't say "when you buy...", say "when you invest in our solution"

Don't Say "Sell"

Similarly, the word "sell" has many negative associations. The selling process is unpleasant for many people, and they do it with great reluctance. The Lizard Brain perceives the seller  "wins", which means they "lose".

Instead, always speak from the customer's point of view, and refer to what they get out of it,. Don't say "when I sell you this solution", say "when you own in this solution" or "when you deploy this technology"

Don't Say "Decision"

Everyone likes to choose, but nobody likes to decide. Decisions have consequences, and many of them are bad. The Lizard Brain is afraid of making a bad decision.

Women, how hard is it to get a man to make a commitment?  To decide?  Almost impossible, right?  How hard is it for him to give you his opinion?   Easy!  

The moral:  Decisions are hard.  Choices are easy.

Instead, have your customer "choose". It's easy to choose between two alternatives. Vanilla or Chocolate? Both good choices! So, don't say "when you make a decision", say "when you choose our solution"...

Don't Make a "Deal"

Car Salespeople make deals. Snake Oil salespeople pitch deals. Infomercials offer deals. Do you want to be associated with those clowns? 

Instead, have your customer "approve an agreement". "Agreement" means you both approve and are mutually happy, which, of course, you are. Right?

Don't Say "Contract"

A contract is a legal commitment. The Lizard Brain hears contract and thinks of lawyers and fine print. Always negative! Their response: "I'd better think about it and run it by legal!"

Instead, talk about "paperwork". Paperwork is a necessary evil, so let's get it out of the way fast so you can start getting returns from your investment!

Don't "Close" a Deal

Closing is final, and you can't go back The Lizard Brain hears "close" and thinks "wait, this is final". Better think about it before making a final decision!

Instead, "open the account". Opening is so much easier and inviting. There's always time to adjust and refine the account once it's opened.  Always try to be an "opener" not a "closer"

Don't use the Word "Sign"

Signing a contract is making a legal commitment, in INK. The Lizard Brain hears "sign" and thinks again of lawyers and fine print. Deal Killers!

Once again, use milder words like "approve" and "OK" instead.  "Let's OK the Paperwork so we can get started!"

Little Hinges Swing Big Doors

Every word matters.  Little words lead to big sales. Use yours carefully, and avoid provoking the Lizard Brain!


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"Stump the Chump"
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 "Carpe Dinero" = Seize the Money. 
Mike Schmidtmann
(703) 408-9103 

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Feel free to SWIPE* any ideas you find useful, and "pay it forward!

*Steal With Integrity, Purpose and Enthusiasm"