Early Summer 2020 Edition
MOSES. News from the Massachusetts Organization of State Engineers & Scientists. Picture Descriptions (Left to Right): AIR: Sun in a blue sky with clouds. WATER: A glass being filled with drinking water.
The MOSES Monitor E-Newsletter
If you have any recommendations for the new format, please reach out to Newsletter Chair and Board Director Ellie Donovan at or Membership Coordinator Tyler Wilkinson at
Leadership Message
from President Joseph Dorant and Vice President Patrick Russell
Upcoming Events Notice
Various silhouettes  talking
All MOSES recreational programming is currently suspended until Autumn 2020.

**Please consider taking a virtual tour of some museums, zoos, and attractions across the United States and the world. Check out our compiled list of virtual tours here.
Returning to Work
As MOSES members start returning to their work locations, it's important to abide by some basic rules to minimize your chance of coming into contact with COVID-19. Featured below is a video produced by the Commonwealth that exhibits some of these basic safety guidelines.
Telehealth & the GIC
MOSES members are able to access the benefits of Telehealth through their GIC health insurance plan. On March 16th, Governor Baker signed an order that requires ALL GIC health insurance plans to have in-network Telehealth options. This order also prohibits your insurance from passing the cost of services on to you in the form of co-payments, deductibles, or coinsurance. To find out more information on Telehealth, click the link here.
MOSES Members in Action
Since we published the spotlights in our last MOSES Monitor, we have heard nothing but appreciation and strong support for our members who are working on the front lines. We have even had these stories shared beyond the union to the general population and the Greater Boston Labor Council.

In this MOSES Monitor, we thought that we would give our membership a couple of more stories about some MOSES members who have either been given an award for their service or changed their life plans completely to battle the COVID-19 pandemic.

We appreciate all of our members who have stepped up and have gone above and beyond to make their workplaces safe and functioning throughout this pandemic.
Service Spotlight: The Department of Labor Standard's Kathy Flannery
In March 2020, Department of Labor Standards (DLS) employees were instructed to work from home. MOSES member Kathy Flannery of the MA Department of Labor Standards (DLS), along with other MOSES members, adjusted their regular job duties to assist the MA Dept. of Unemployment Assistance (DUA) with the high volume of incoming unemployment claims as a direct result of the Covid-19 pandemic. This massive change of responsibility occurred while Kathy was preparing for retirement on May 1st.

The DUA provided a brief virtual training to DLS MOSES Members to function as DUA Customer Service Representatives to assist in the daunting task of getting people their unemployment. MOSES members managed to provide valuable assistance to thousands of claimants while learning the DUA software system.   

MOSES members worked for approximately 11 weeks for DUA. All members of the MA OSHA Consultation Program are MOSES members who will now return to doing their regular job duties, assisting private employers in the Commonwealth to provide a safe and healthy work environment. COVID has brought new challenges to this task, as consultants advise employers how to protect workers while at the same time keeping up with the ever-changing regulations. It is a challenging time, but MOSES members across the Commonwealth continue to rise to the occasion, not only at DLS but in other state agencies such as DPH, DEP, DCR, DCAMM, DOT, and many others.

And about Kathy's retirement that was set for May 1st? After 35 years as a MOSES member, Kathy has pivoted her life plans to stay on until the COVID Crisis has stabilized.  
Service Spotlight: Department of Environmental Protection's Len Pinaud
MassDEP’s Len Pinaud recently received The Commander's Award from the U.S. Army for his work at Joint Base Cape Cod (JBCC). The U.S. Army presented the award along with the U.S. Army Public Service Commendation Medal at a ceremony at Camp Edwards to acknowledge his significant contributions for cleaning up the Impact Area and preserving the Upper Cape Water Supply reserve. Len works in the DEP's Southeast Regional Office as the Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup Federal Facilities Chief. Len also serves as the Environmental Officer for the JBCC Environmental Management Commission.

The Commander’s Award is a civil public service medal for achievements that contribute significantly to the accomplishment of the mission of the U.S. Army. The award is one of the most prestigious achievements a civilian can receive from the U.S. Army.
We are glad to see that Len’s efforts to protect citizen's health, the environment, and the natural resources of the Cape have been recognized. Congratulations, Len!

(Note: This award was issued and the picture was taken before the coronavirus pandemic.)
COVID-19 Legislation Part Two
Federal Legislation
In this edition of the MOSES Monitor, we're continuing our segment on recently passed federal legislation to mitigate the health and economic impacts of COVID-19.
4th Act: Paycheck Protection Program, Enacted April 24, 2020
The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) was initially created from the CARES Act, enacted on March 27th, 2020. PPP provides for certain businesses to apply for a loan to help defray costs associated with payroll, rent, and utilities. The program was initially funded with $669 billion dollars but this new legislation enacted on April 24th added an additional $484 billion dollars to be used for loans.
5th Act: Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions (HEROES) Act,
Passed by the House of Representatives on May 15, 2020
This act has passed the House of Representatives and currently waits to be voted on in the Senate, which may not come until the middle of July. The HEROES Act provides another stimulus to the U.S. economy- totaling nearly $3 trillion dollars. Included in this $3 trillion dollar package is another round of $1200 stimulus checks for individuals making less than $75,000 a year. Another important provision of the bill would provide $500 billion dollars to States to supplement revenue shortfalls as a result of the COVID virus.

Other benefits from this stimulus include an extended timeline for receiving unemployment, student loan forgiveness for up to $10,000, and rental/mortgage relief.
As the COVID-19 pandemic has penetrated many aspects of our lives, it's important to know what resources are available to assuage our daily concerns. One such resource is the Mass4You service which is available for all active state employees and their families

What Does Mass4You offer?
Mass4You’s own program specialists are available 24/7 to address questions or issues you may have regarding personal, family, legal, financial, and or work-related concerns, such as:

Child, Family, and/or Parenting Support:
Mass4You will research and refer you to a wide range of personal services such as household, elder care, auto repair, special needs care, etc.

Financial and Legal Wellness:
Expert advice can help you increase savings, lower debts and improve credit, and assist you with complicated legal matters, such as drafting a will.

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
EAP can also assist you and your family to obtain advice and support regarding:

o   Substance Abuse Treatment :Call the toll-free Substance Use Treatment Helpline at 1-855-780-5955 for either referrals or prior approval services
o   Stress Management
o   Crisis Support

Employees and their families can obtain free confidential access to a wide range of experts, locally and nationwide, by calling 1-844-263-1982. The service is available at any hour. For the deaf and hard of hearing, TTY support is available by dialing 711+1-844-264-1982, or visit . The access code is “Mass4You.”
Health and Welfare Trust Dental/Vision Reimbursement Deadline Extended
MOSES Futures Committee
MOSES knows that the future of our union resides in our young workers. Young MOSES members will one day be bargaining our contracts and leading as stewards in our workplaces. Therefore, MOSES is going to be creating a space for young workers to learn more about the union and ways to get involved to make the union stronger.

This committee is in the very nascent stages of forming, so if you're interested in getting involved, please reach out to Membership Coordinator Tyler Wilkinson @
A hand puts a penny in a piggybank
Need a new car loan?!?!

Need an education loan?!?!

With rates as low as 2.9% and 6.75% respectively, you might want to check out the incredible offerings at the MOSES Federal Credit Union.

Check out our webpage here or call Joanne @ 978-276-0750 (M-Th 10am-2pm)
From the Massachusetts Labor Movement
Check out this story on how the Somerville Teacher’s Association was able to fight for a pay increase for some of the lowest paid public sector workers during the pandemic