Message from the Associate Dean - BCH Oakland
April 20, 2020
We all have been watching this curve to track the timeline of this pandemic crises. When can we make plans for the future? When and if will we surge? No one model has all the answers. Thankfully the burden of pediatric disease is low. Moreover, our elected officials made early decisions to implement physical distancing measures and this has proved to save lives. We will likely open up step by step once we are over the top and can ramp up testing and contact tracing.
I hope you and yours are well at this time. Thank you for rising to the challenge to come to work safely, to stay home when you can, and to think differently about all aspects of our mission. Students, residents, researchers, educators, clinicians and administrators have all become incredibly innovative.
Most of all thanks to the experts on the Hospital Incident Command System and in infection control and infectious disease who have helped us through this process. The video recording of the tremendous Oakland infectious disease Grand Rounds on April 14
"Covid-19 Update in Children: Epidemiology, Transmission, Treatment, Impact and Infection Control"
can be found
Remember to use password CHRCO where prompted.
Be well,
Kelley Meade
BCH Oakland Blood Drive - May 6th & 7th
Sent on Behalf of Dr. Shannon Kelly
and the BCH Oakland Transfusion Committee
BCH Oakland Blood Drive
Thank you to everyone who signed-up for our staff blood drive next week on April 23rd! We had such a great response that we will be having 2-day blood drive on May 6
and 7th. Please use the link below to make an appointment. To ensure that the appointment spots are filled with people who are eligible to donate, please review the
summarizing some key eligibility criteria. Additional questions will be asked at the appointment to ensure you meet all criteria prior to donation. Vitalant staff will be adhering to social distancing
when setting up the blood drive and have rigorous disinfection procedures between donors to ensure donor safety.
We hope that many of you will donate to support this effort. This is a difficult time and it is critically important that the patient populations we serve have access to the life-saving blood products required for their clinical status.
A limited number of appointments are available. If this drive is successful and we are not able to accommodate everyone who would like to donate blood at this drive, we will likely schedule additional drives in the future. Many thanks to everyone who can help in this critical effort to support all our patients who require blood transfusions.
Drive Date: May 6
and May 7th
Drive Location: OPC BOARDROOM
Drive Hours: 10am – 3pm
Welcome Again to the 2020-21 Intern Class
UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital Oakland
4/21/20 “Trauma Informed Care and COVID19”
Presented by:
Ken Epstein, PhD, LCSW
, Principal Associate, P.R.E.P. for Change Consulting
Dayna Long, MD
, Medical Director, Department of Community Health and Engagement, UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital Oakland
Miriam Rhew, MD
, Pediatrician, UCBP Bancroft Pediatrics
Petra Steinbuchel, MD
, Associate Professor, Psychiatry, UCSF Weill Institute for Neurosciences
Saun-Toy Trotter, MFT
, Marriage and Family Therapist, UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital Oakland
1. Recognize the neurobiological impact of trauma.
2. Identify how COVID19 presents as trauma for patients, families, and colleagues.
3. Utilize principles of trauma informed care in response to COVID19.
4/28/20 “Center of Excellence for Immigrant Child Health and Wellbeing: A Cross-bay Initiative”
Presented by:
UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland
Zarin Noor, MD, MPH,
Juan Gutierrez, MD, MPH
, Pediatrics
Chela Rios Muñoz, LCSW
, Neonatal Follow Up
1. Recognize migration and immigration status as a social determinant of health.
2. Examine how the latest policies impact the health of immigrant children and families.
3. Apply strategies to mitigate harm using public charge as an example.
4. Identify how the Center of Excellence for Immigrant Child Health and Wellbeing addresses the health care needs of immigrant children.
Grand Rounds is by Zoom only 8-9 am
Please follow the instructions below
Please mute your microphone and select "without video" when you login
so others do not see you on video.
Join from a PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android device:
PASSWORD: 761647
Meeting ID: 521 340 102
US: +1 669 900 6833 or +1 646 558 8656
UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland is accredited by the California Medical Association
to provide continuing medical education for physicians.
UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland designates this live activity for a maximum of
1 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit.™
Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their
participation in the activity.
Previous Grand Rounds (Online)
Did you miss Grand Rounds?
Use password
New recordings are added every few weeks.
Also check out our calendar for educational offerings:
Department of Medicine Grand Rounds re: COVID-19
In case you missed it...
Department of Medicine Grand Rounds
recordings on
can be found on YouTube. Here is the latest:
Here are some wellness resources, compliments of our colleagues at ZSFG, to encourage and strengthen you and your loved ones as we navigate the challenges in responding to COVID-19.
UCSF Health's 5th Annual Improvement Symposium: Call for Poster Submissions
From Niraj Sehgal, MD, MPH, Chief Quality Officer, UCSF Health
and Lei Choi, MD, Medical Director, Continuous Improvement, UCSF Health
Call for Posters
Deadline: May 13th
Dear Team BCH Oakland,
As with the past couple years, we wanted to make sure our Call for Posters reached your inboxes. We’ve really enjoyed having terrific
BCH Oakland
improvement work represented and want to continue that tradition. Please see the details below and attached poster template. You’re welcome to add BCH logos as we might try to cohort posters by setting this year (e.g., Ambulatory, BCH, Adult, GME, Nursing Research, etc.). This was popular last year when we were able to accommodate.
Look forward to having you at the event as more details will come as we approach. Please let us know if you have any questions, but thanks in advance for encouraging teams to participate.
Please share the
attached flyer
call for poster submissions
key details also included here
) with your teams, colleagues, and others as we look forward to building on last year’s successful event. Even if you don’t ultimately submit a poster, we hope you’ll save the date and celebrate the work of your colleagues. Electronic poster submission
deadline is May 13
Previously from Ted Chaconas, MD
Chief Medical Officer, BCH Oakland
Broken Places
In case you missed it...
Peabody Award-winning producer/director Roger Weisberg’s new documentary
Broken Places
explores the devastating impact of childhood trauma and stories of remarkable resilience. The film includes interviews with California Surgeon General
Dr. Nadine Burke Harris
, as well as BCH Medical Staff members
Dr. Tom Boyce
Dr. Dayna Long
. The program was presented by WNET’s multi-platform public media initiative Chasing the Dream: Poverty and Opportunity in America.
Watch it for free on
Aired: 04/06/20 | Expires: 05/04/20
Get ready for UC Path – coming June 1. Here are quick steps you can take to prepare:
Frontiers in Child Health Research Seminars
Save the date!
The Frontiers in Child Health Research Seminar Series is restarting!
Date: Monday April 27
Time: 12-1 pm.
Via Zoom
(link to be provided later)
The speaker will be,
Naomi Bardach MD MAS,
Associate Professor of Pediatrics.
More info coming soon!
New Treatment Option for Transfusion-Dependent Beta Thalassemia
From Mark Walters, MD
Professor of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology
New treatment option for transfusion-dependent
Beta thalassemia is the most common form of transfusion-dependent inherited anemia in the world. An imbalanced synthesis of globin chains constituting the hemoglobin molecule causes late-stage death of erythroid progenitors, which is driven by overactive signaling through activin receptor II. Luspatercept binds to ligands of activin receptor II in the extracellular compartment, and allows erythroblast maturation to proceed to red blood cells. As endogenous red cell production increases, the need for blood transfusion support is reduced.
A phase 3 multi-center clinical trial published in the New England Journal of Medicine demonstrated the efficacy of luspatercept in reducing transfusion burden in patients with thalassemia. The randomized controlled trial treated 336 adult patients with luspatercept or placebo for 48 weeks. Significantly more patients receiving luspatercept reduced their transfusion burden compared with those given placebo. Over any 24-week interval during the study, 41% of patients given luspatercept achieved >33% reduction and 17% achieved >50% reduction in transfusions.
Based on these results, luspatercept received FDA approval for use in patients 18 years of age or older with transfusion-dependent beta thalassemia. It is the first disease modifying therapy approved for thalassemia and represents a significant advance in the field, said Dr. Ashutosh Lal, an investigator on the clinical trial. The department of hematology/oncology has coordinated with BCHO pharmacy to assure the availability of luspatercept to all eligible patients. The drug is given as a subcutaneous injection every 3 weeks in the clinic or infusion center. Patients who respond to luspatercept can be transfused less frequently, thereby reducing the burden of treatment.
Cappellini, et al. A Phase 3 Trial of Luspatercept in Patients with Transfusion-Dependent β-Thalassemia. New England Journal of Medicine 2020;382:1219–31.
Pediatric Research Day - May 21, 2020
More info will be coming soon!
Online Class Offering by the UCSF Library:
"How to Share Research Data to Meet Funder and Journal Requirements"
Date: Tuesday, May 12
Time: 10:30am to 12:00pm
This will be an online class via Zoom conferencing. The zoom link will be sent out a week in advance.
Class Overview
If you are funded by the NIH, HHMI, or Gates Foundation, or plan to publish in PLOS, PNAS, Science or Nature it is very likely that you will be asked to make your research data publicly available. This is part of a global effort to make research results more transparent, reproducible, and equitable. But what data do you share and how exactly should you share it? The goal of this mini workshop is to get you up to speed with these new requirements and help you work reproducible and painless data sharing into your research process.
More info and register
Internal COVID-19 Open Proposal Forum
Open Proposal Forum
Gretchen Kiser
and the Research Development Office just launched an internal COVID-19 open proposal forum, asking researchers to share ideas, current research, and potential research avenues. The forum can be found online at:
This would be a good time to ask researchers to contribute their own ideas, and critically, to offer comments/suggestions to help improve the ideas that have already been proposed.
Some of the proposals involve communicating with the public, and it would be helpful if communicators could weigh in. For example, I just saw this citizen science proposal, which would let folks answer online surveys and (optionally) donate smartphone data to help researchers understand how COVID-19 is spreading or presenting to the public:
Guidance for Researchers: COVID-19
From Mark C. Walters, MD
Professor of Pediatrics
Interim Director of Research, UCSF BCH Oakland
Jordan Family Director, Blood and Marrow Transplant Program
Dear Clinical Research Community at BCHO:
This is to provide guidance about UCSF clinical research policies as these are being developed in response to the rapidly evolving COVID-19 pandemic. We would like to confirm and emphasize that all UCSF policies about research activities during the COVID-19 pandemic apply to the BCHO campus and to faculty and staff who work in Oakland. The best source of up-to-date information is located on the
UCSF COVID-19 website:
There is a pull-down menu at the top of the website for Policies & Guidance, and at the bottom of the webpage, boxes with links for Researchers and Clinicians. Please become familiar with the policies restricting clinical trial enrollment and routine face-to-face clinic visits, study monitor visits, and travel related to clinical trial participation. All research activities should be restricted to visits and enrollments that are necessary to ensure patient safety.
In addition, please refer to the
IRB website
link regarding study protocol deviations and protocol changes with regard to COVID-19. Please feel free to contact the IRB administrator if you still have questions after reviewing the content of this website:
We appreciate the flexibility and cooperation in adhering to these new policies. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about how your studies might be impacted.
National Science Foundation on the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
JUST RELEASED! FY20 DoD Pre-Announcements and Funding Opportunities
Funding Opportunities
This is to notify the research community of recently released
Fiscal Year 2020 (FY20) pre-announcements and funding opportunities
for the Department of Defense (DoD) programs managed by the office of Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP). CDMRP understands that applicants are impacted by COVID-19. Submission deadlines for pre-applications and full applications will incorporate the maximum time that is feasible for each FY20 program. Thank you for your efforts during this challenging time.
More info can be found
Clinical Trials Office (CTO)
Office of Clinical Trial Activation
OnCore at BCHO 2020 - For Research Study Teams
is UCSF's enterprise clinical trial management system (CTMS) and is being implemented at BCH Oakland in conjunction with the APeX go-live on March 1.
Information about clinical studies is entered into
to create a linkage to APeX for patient encounters and research-related billing compliance.
facilitates the following via the integration with APeX:
- Research study setup
- Coverage analysis
- Subject enrollment
- Research revenue cycle
Since September the project team has been working to gather information about active, in-scope BCH Oakland studies for the transition. Study coordinators have been provided training on the system. Study teams have access to enroll patients for in-scope studies the week prior to go-live, Feb 24-28. During this time study teams will be making sure their studies are in APeX, can enroll their subjects in
and APeX, and can link upcoming visits to their subject enrollments.
For in-scope studies that require coverage analysis (CA), this work is underway and will continue beyond the March 1 go-live for several months. For studies where a CA is needed and not yet in place, charges will be held in a queue until the CA is available. Patients can still be seen and research will not be impeded during this time.
Paul Sullivan,
Program Manager
UCSF Program Management Office
Research Grand Rounds from March 3rd ...
From Bench to Cribside: Discovery for the General Pediatrician in 3 parts
Presented by
Christine McDonald
Maria Medina
Mark Walters
, MD-Hematology/Oncology
UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital Oakland
Kelley Meade, MD
Associate Dean of Clinical & Academic Affairs
UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital Oakland
Do you have ideas or suggestions?
If you have an idea or suggestion for content that you feel would be helpful,
Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland Dean’s Office
UCSF School of Medicine
Mailing Address:
747 52nd Street, Oakland, CA 94609