Farmington Valley American Muslim Center
THURSDAY - MAY 15, 2018
Asalam Alaikum,

Ramadan 2018 starts tonight. Ramadan Mubarak! Isha prayer will be held at 9:45 PM and Taraweeh will follow immediately. Please see below calendar of events for the month of Ramadan.
Important. We will be offering babysitting on Friday and Saturday nights only during Taraweeh from 9:30 PM - 11:00 PM for children 7 years of age and younger. For the safety of everyone, ALL other children ARE EXPECTED to either join the prayers or be supervised AT ALL TIMES by their parent while on the premises. Please help us ensure the safety of everyone by observing these rules.

Ramadan Activities & Events:
  • Nightly Taraweeh prayer following Isha.
  • Community Iftars at FVAMC on Friday nights (5/18, 5/25, 6/1, 6/8). Our goal is to feed 1000 people. Community members have a chance to sponsor these iftars. Cost is $10/person. If interested, please sign up here:
  • Annual Ramadan Fundraising on Friday June 1 at 7:00PM.
  • Eid-ul-fitr Friday June 15. Prayers will be held at 7:00 am and 10:00 am at FVAMC. Friday Service at 1:00 pm.
First Church of Christ, Congregational, 1652 in Farmington, CT invites our members to join them for an event on Sunday, May 20, at 11:30 with Chris George on resettling refugees from Syria or Afghanistan.