Sunday School
Youth Groups
Adult Forum
A Change in Youth Group Meeting Times
Rite 13 and J2A will meet on the First and Third Sundays after the 10:30 am Mass.
Youth Volunteers Needed
Youth volunteers are needed to help run children's games during our Fall Festival on Saturday, October 16 from Noon-5 pm. Please contact Alison Jandak if you can help!!
Adult Forum
The Adult Forum meets in the Lady Chapel at 9:30 am (between the 8:15 and 10:30 services) most Sundays. Along with our usual Advent and Lenten studies, this year we will include two new discussion series: “The Voices of St Martins” and “Spiritual Practices”. All are welcome.
Sunday School (Preschool - 6th Grade)
In-person Sunday School returns to Saint Martin's! Sunday School occurs during Saint Martin's Sunday 10:30am service.
As a reminder, Saint Martin's uses Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) for our children's education and has 3 levels. CGS is an approach to religious education that is rooted in the Bible, the liturgy of the Church and the education principles of Maria Montessori. It really focuses on the joy in the relationship with God and the young child.
· Children ages 3 through kindergarten and toilet trained will meet in the large conference room upstairs for our Level 1 atrium
· Children in 1st through 3rd grades, our "Level 2" atrium, will meet in the large conference room upstairs
· Children in 4th through 6th grades, our "Level 3" atrium, will meet in the small conference room upstairs
Unlike prior years, the children will not be joining the main service for communion. Instead, children will have the option to receive communion during Sunday School and the children will be brought to their parent’s pew following the service.
Per Diocesan guidelines, masks will be required and we will maintain a 3ft distance. As we all know, the situation with the pandemic is always changing and Diocesan guidance could be updated.
Please note that this year Saint Martin's will also be having a "Come As You Are" Eucharist on Saturdays at 5:30 pm. For the times when you cannot make the 10:30am Sunday service, we invite you to worship in community with your family at the Saturday service.