Protected PDF Files in E-IRB
As the research community has acclimated to an electronic IRB submission and review system over the last couple years (E-IRB), this progression inadvertently, albeit naturally, includes researchers uploading PDF attachments that retain some level of protection or security (e.g., for verification of e-signatures; password protection for proprietary content). 

For ease of use, E-IRB was designed to allow the user to click one time on a PDF file that combines all the materials submitted for an Other Review (e.g., Protocol Violation; Deviation/Exception request; Unanticipated Problem). However, digitally signed, password protected, or other secured PDFs cannot be combined with other PDF’s where some level of protection applies by design, so the user gets an error message when clicking on the link (“View # __ ) to open that Other Review.

ORI and Research Information Services (RIS) understand protected PDF attachments are a desirable component of the submission process. However, the technology does not fit our process, so RIS is devising an alternate means of accessing Other Reviews. This change in design will require a user to click on each document associated with the Other Review in order to open it. E.g., The screen shot of the web page form filled in; any attachments included with the submission; and when applicable, the IRB approval/acknowledgement letter. While this may result in the need for a couple more clicks, it will also eliminate any breaks in the system, subsequent need for IT/ORI intervention, and ultimately streamline the submission and review process.

Until RIS has implemented this design change, please bear in mind that uploading a PDF with signature certification, password protection, or other security setting, may slow down or prevent the submission review process for Other Reviews and for application reviews.

As always, thank you for your patience as we do our best to improve E-IRB!