Catch up with the latest ASCH news!

Issue #14, November 2017
Assen Alladin, PhD

It is with great sadness that we must announce the passing of Assen Alladin, PhD on November 24, 2017.

Dr. Alladin was a much loved and respected member of the ASCH community.  He contributed much to the Society as a past President of ASCH and as a steady contributor to the

We will greatly miss Dr. Alladin's kind and thoughtful presence at ASCH meetings.  

Dr. Alladin's many accomplishments will be memorialized in the Winter ASCH Newsletter and an upcoming issue of the  AJCH .

60th Annual Meeting

What is so special about being 60?
We learn and teach, we discuss and learn some more, we advance science and accumulate experience, we are accepting and inclusive, we listen and respect.
We just love it!
We insist on the highest professional standards and the process of obtaining an ASCH certification is both rigorous and gratifying...and really cool too!
We are lucky to count the best of the best in our ranks. Milton Erickson and his colleagues established the Society with the goal of teaching the science of advanced communication to professionals to improve lives of patients and clients when almost nothing else works. The recognition of the importance of the state of the mind on physical ailments, and the understanding that improved physical comfort will calm the aching mind were pioneered and taught well ahead of time. Even now the rest of the medical field is only starting to catch up.

Having some of the best in the field now among us and a robust training program will help us advance this history forward!
We are generous with our time and our hearts, offer free services to our patients and clients at the time of need, and volunteer and walk an extra mile for our students and colleagues.
We know how to laugh and be creative, we play instruments and dance, we take beautiful photographs and paint, we enjoy our meetings and workshops, we make friends and maintain connections. And, yes, we love to laugh!

We are young!!!
We will be updating you in the next issue on the topics and schedule!
The Annual Planning committee is led by president-elect Dr. Eric Spiegel and is working hard to make the experience truly special.

Bring your colleagues to dip their toes into the ocean of advanced therapeutic communication in the Power of Words workshop, or even plunge into the waters of clinical hypnosis under the wise guidance of our experienced teachers in Step 1 workshops. Get yourself more comfortable in Step 2 and use the opportunity to ask our masters for advice on complicated clinical matters in Advanced Workshops.

In your spare time, take your family to Disney.

                                           IN THE AMUSEMENT PARK...
Case Report and Transcript of an Alert Hypnotic Intervention
Bella Wark & David Wark
Alert hypnosis is used increasingly in clinical settings. Here we report it in a non-medical application. The participant's identities and names are masked, to preserve confidentiality.
Young woman, (YW), age about 9.
Elderly Psychologist, (EP), age about 80, probably her grandfather
Amusement park with a H U G E r o l ler coaster.

YW: "Look Bapa, that roller coaster looks so fun! Let's go on it".
EP: "No Dear, I don't think so.  It makes my stomach churn just thinking about it. It really wouldn't be much  fun for me."
YW: "Oh come on, we'll have a good time."
EP: "No I really don't think I'd like it, even with you."
YW: "I know Bapa!  You can use your hypnosis so you won't be scared."
EP startled, looked at YW, blinked, then seemed to shift and relax.  His eyes flickered as his gaze shifted vertically and horizontally. He seemed to visualize the rails flowing up and down and curving back and forth. Then his posture shifted as if he were embodying and floating that same path, and he smiled as if he were hearing laughter and feeling both exhilarated and calm, enjoying a roller coaster ride.
EP: "OK, let's do it, together.  You lead the way."
Being both a grandpa and a scientist, he checked his Fit Bit before their carriage began to roll. His heart rate was accelerated at the start, about 112. After they came back, he noticed it was much lower, now 78.
As the YW taught the EP, alert hypnosis can work in unusual places, and facilitate unanticipated changes by  uninhibited people.


New Funding Opportunities
  • Fundamental Science Research on Mind and Body Approaches (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)-- this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) encourages research grant applications (R01) to investigate the fundamental science of mind and body approaches, including mind/brain-focused practices (e.g., meditation, hypnosis), body-based approaches (e.g., acupuncture, massage, spinal manipulation/mobilization), meditative exercise (e.g., yoga, tai chi, qi gong), art and music therapies, or integrative approaches combining several components. Studies of pharmacologic approaches exclusively are not included in the scope of this FOA.
  • Fundamental Science Research on Mind and Body Approaches (R21 Clinical Trial Optional) -- this FOA encourages exploratory /developmental research grant applications (R21) to investigate the fundamental science of mind and body approaches, including mind/brain-focused practices (e.g., meditation, hypnosis), body-based approaches (e.g., acupuncture, massage, spinal manipulation/mobilization), meditative exercise (e.g., yoga, tai chi, qi gong), art and music therapies, or integrative approaches combining several components. Studies of pharmacologic approaches exclusively are not included in the scope of this FOA.

On a Lighter Note

" I have reached an age when, if someone tells me to wear socks, I don't have to".
                                                                                                          Albert Einstein

Where in the World?

We are returning the Where in the World contest .

Please, guess where in the world this picture was taken for a chance to win an $11 Amazon gift card!

Send your guesses to  
Submitted by David Wark