Like many of my fellow Gen X brethren, the television has played a key role in my upbringing. The babysitting years were filled with The Love Boat/Fantasy Island, and if the kids were still up by the time we heard “Da plane!”, I was in trouble. I introduced Miami Vice to my fellow New England boarding school friends, pointing out all of my favorite local spots while they rolled their eyes. Wednesday night viewing parties with Melrose Place and Sunday takeout with Sex & the City defined my NYC media years, although the scrunchie episode with the Georgia tourist made me question my move to Atlanta. Of course, now it’s particularly poignant to rewatch some of these memorable shows with my family and Gilmore Girls has been a savior for us all. 

Reminiscing with the kind folks of Stars Hollow offers a nice respite to the doom scrolling of the day. I am sure that my daughter now dreams of a cool mom like Lorelai, wishing our repartee would be as witty and our household a democracy where everyone gets an equal vote. (Sorry, kid.) Catching Melissa McCarthy’s first gig along with a glimpse of my favorite wise-cracking agent from Mrs. Maisel (Alex Brodsky) as the inn’s resident harpist with an attitude has kept me rapt. My husband, of course, is blown away by the soundtrack, still in awe that XTC and The Cure pop in as the perfect teen angst tunes.

We are winding our way into September and for some of us, a new way to frame what “Back to School” entails. Whatever this fall looks like for you, I hope you find joy in the little things, and that a few of the suggestions below might help just a little bit.
My 50th birthday bliss was lounging in the Grove Park Inn Spa with a glass of champagne while indulging in Michelle Obama’s book Becoming. Tears of gratitude were shed and I shared this gift with many friends, much like I did when I discovered her new podcast with Spotify. With husband and former President Barack Obama as her first guest, they cover many topics including our place in this world, how we feel about it and what we can do with the power we have. I’m practically giddy waiting for each week’s episode (the women’s health with Dr. Sharon Malone is a must) and suggest you pair it with whatever bubbly you may have. 
My daughter has counted down the hours for two arrivals this summer — Taylor Swift’s surprise new album and the second season of The Umbrella Academy. Apparently I missed the excitement of the first, so we all started from the beginning and WOW. As she so aptly described, “It’s like a Marvel movie except it doesn’t take itself too seriously and actually has a sense of humor.” And anything with Ellen Page and Mary J. Blige definitely has my vote.
Many of you know of my love of Dr. Lisa Damour and her brilliant books Untangled and Under Pressure, so you can imagine my excitement when she launched her new podcast. Ask Lisa — The Lisa Damour Podcast on Parenting with journalist Reena Ninan is all about dealing with your family right this minute during the Covid era. It’s like a much-needed personal therapy session every time I hear it.
My father called to say that whatever I was doing, I must stop and start reading Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents by Isabel Wilkerson. And like any self-respecting daddy’s girl, I obliged and now I can’t put it down. The Pulitzer Prize-winning author explores America’s history and how it influenced other countries. It might blow your mind, wake you up or make you shake your head in disbelief. But it will get to you, and I hope inspire you to act before it's too late. #Vote2020
Women Make Film  is a new docuseries from TCM that finally turns the camera onto female directors from all over the world. Written and directed by Mark Cousins, the docuseries features an impressive list of narrators from Tilda Swinton and Jane Fonda, Thandie Newton to Debra Winger. With 14 episodes and programming to match, the list is an endless array of females making their mark and showing the boys' club how it's done.
I will never get tired of hearing author/historian Jon Meacham’s voice and discovering his new podcast series lifted my end-of-summer blues. It was Said beautifully dissects some of the most important speeches — Martin Luther King Jr., Ronald Reagan, JFK, RFK, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, John Lewis, Edward R. Murrow, and Barbara Jordan — of our time. Grab the family and enjoy.
I always loved working with the fabulous André Leon Talley and when I stumbled upon a podcast interview with Vogue’s former Creative Director, I realized that listening to him narrate his memoir The Chiffon Trenches might be the perfect distraction. It’s raw and honest, and who doesn’t love his signature voice detailing childhood obsessions such as CZ Guest running to the horse show clad in her Mainbocher suit? All. Day. Long.
Speaking of royalty, after spending an evening with a woman named Lina in London a few years ago (thanks to our mutual friend Misty), I was hooked on not only her personality, but her healthy lifestyle as well. And then I realized I wasn't the only one. Following her musings on Instagram these days keeps me sane, especially when she posts her divine recipes. You can click here to see for yourself, as I’m off to make these raw date and almond cookies to put in the lunchbox this very minute. 

I have been so honored to co-host a weekly Morphmom "Happier Hour" where we interview women making it happen — from Luminary's Cate Luzio to Boll & Branch founder Missy Tannen and Etre Girls' Illana Raia. Our hostess panel includes financial whiz Kathy Entwistle from Morgan Stanley who shares tips each week on what to do with our money. SAVE IT! I know, nice to hear but can we really do it? "Money speaks one language: If you save me today, I will save you tomorrow," she said on a recent episode. (I'm needlepointing it as we speak.) If you want to catch us each Wednesday at 6pm, check out Facebook LIVE or click here to sign up or catch up on past recordings.
When the Wall Street Journal's usually fussy critic Terry Teachout raves about something, one must pay attention. He adored the virtual version of The Florida Repertory Theater’s production of Twelfth Night, usually reserved to entertain teens in school, and highly recommended we jump online not to miss. 
Elizabeth Schulte Roth
404-441-3968 |