Ceramic sculptures by Fernando Peguero
Wood-carved decoratively painted sculpture by Efraín Fuentes and Silvia Gómez
What a thrill it was to encounter the art and tastes of Oaxaca in a corner of Brooklyn during a sunny week in late September. The online and brick-and-mortar store “This is Latin America” (thisislatinamerica.com) turned its new storefront near the Manhattan Bridge into a showcase of fine Oaxacan folk art, mezcal tasting and regional tamales. One of the two young Mexican entrepreneurs who launched TILA in 2019, Hector García and Miguel Corona, were the creative minds behind “Oaxaca in New York.”
Hector García and Miguel Corona
TILA selected three prominent Oaxacan folk artists to come to New York to attend – Efraín Fuentes, woodcarver, and his wife, Silvia Gómez, decorative painter, both from San Martín Tilcajete; and Fernando Peguero, ceramicist and contemporary painter, from Santa María Atzompa – and invited FOFA to be a partner in some of the week’s activities.
Efraín Fuentes, woodcarver, and his wife Silvia Gómez decorative painter with the display of their works
Fernando Peguero with the display of his works
The three artists held instructional workshops in their crafts each day, and their work was highlighted at the TILA store in Brooklyn. A total of 70 people attended the workshops during the week, including many from the Mexican community in Brooklyn, learning elements of technique in ceramics and decorative painting from the masters. Participant reviews were extremely positive!
Fernando Peguero with participants in his ceramics workshop
Hector and Miguel generously offered to make the inaugural reception a fundraiser for FOFA. We were excited, but nervous, at organizing our first in-person gathering in nearly two years. Luckily, TILA’s airy storefront offered giant open windows, and the good weather permitted a lively sidewalk scene as well. Over 70 FOFA supporters attended.
FOFA sidewalk reception in front of TILA showroom
The evening was equal parts a celebration of Oaxaca, a recognition of the new COVID reality (replete with vaccination cards and masks), and a joyful overdue reunion for many FOFA members. Quiescent memories of Oaxaca were awakened by delicious tamales from the Brooklyn tortillería Sobre Masa, launched by Oaxaca native Zack Wangeman, and tastings of Curiosa Mezcal’s artisanal mezcales, which owner Paulina Tamayo described as “drinkable art.” Guests took home the hand-carved baby gourd mezcal sampling copas purchased by TILA for the event.
FOFA’s partnership with TILA represents a mutually beneficial relationship. Hector has a commercial background in Mexican produce imports, and he knows how to bring folk art across the border overland by truck, even during the pandemic. TILA’s co-founder and buyer in Oaxaca, Ana Lucía Hoyos, was introduced to a number of FOFA artists around Oaxaca as she travelled with FOFA Vice President Amy Mulvihill during the month of August. TILA hopes to expand its purchases in Oaxaca and appreciates FOFA’s numerous contacts and suggestions for identifying the best and most unique folk art in the region.
FOFA Board Members with visiting artists Fernando Peguero, Efraín Fuentes and Silvia Gómez in TILA’s showroom
FOFA was introduced to TILA by Lorena de la Piedra, one of the two instructors of the pandemic-era workshops for Oaxacan folk artists on how to sell remotely that FOFA has been offering since June, 2020. TILA’s website, store and marketing creativity offer another promising path for Oaxacan folk artists to sell in the US. We look forward to future TILA-FOFA projects!
Please consider supporting FOFA's ongoing efforts to enable talented young Oaxacan folk artists to achieve their dreams and maintain sustainable livelihoods.
For a comprehensive look at FOFA's programs, visit our website at: www.fofa.us
Thank you!
www.fofa.us 718-859-1515 info@fofa.us
275 Central Park West, #1-C New York, New York 10024