Newsletter, November 2021
CCF Celebrates First-Generation College Students
CCF recently attended the UT Dallas First-Generation Student resource fair, celebrating and supporting first-generation college students at UT Dallas. First-generation students made up about 22% of undergraduates at UT Dallas in 2020. "Investing in and graduating first-generation students provides us an opportunity to be a part of generational change within families," said Courtney Brecheen MPA'09, PhD'17, senior associate dean of undergraduate education at UT Dallas, "The rich diversity of identities and backgrounds represented within our first-generation student population enrich academic and social settings throughout campus." Read More...
CCF gave thanks this month to our donors and friends for their support of our work. We also introduced this year's cohort of National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduate (REU) students, who are training in our Play With Me program and studying how to conduct culturally-responsive research in developmental science. See remarks from the event here.
Faculty affiliates of the Center are highly productive scholars whose research crosses the fields of human development ranging from parent-child relationships to social-emotional health. Recent publications include:
Danovitch, J., Mills, C., Sands, K., & Williams, A. (2021). Mind the gap: How incomplete explanations influence children’s interest and learning behaviors. Cognitive Psychology. 130:101421.
Plate, S., Yankowitz, L., Resorla, L., Swanson, M., Meera, S., Estes, A., Marrus, N., Cola, M., Petrulla, V., Faggen, A., Pandey, J., Paterson, S., Pruett, J., Cody, H., Dager, S., John, T., Botteron, K., Zwaigenbaum, L., Piven, J., & Parish-Morris, J. (2021). Infant vocalizing and phenotypic outcomes in autism: Evidence from the first 2 years. Child Development.
Villarreal, D. & Nelson, J.A. (2021). Communicating and connecting: Associations between daily adolescent disclosure and mother–adolescent responsiveness. Journal of Research on Adolescence.
November has been a time of gathering and giving thanks, as is tradition for many this time of year. We are grateful to our donors and friends who have continued to support our work and who have invested in our new endeavors. We are thankful for our families--parents and children--who have attended our Play With Me programs and received developmental screenings to support their children's optimal development. And, we are thankful for our students, for their curiosity in learning, insights, and reflections that help us grow. We wish you and yours a very happy Thanksgiving!