May 2020
Know AT with the Help of MoAT (vol.8)
FREE Teletherapy Assessment Program (TAP) for
Alternative and Augmentative Communication
How assistive technology assessments are being done changed overnight with Covid-19. Watch the above video to begin to understand how one company, Forbes AAC, is providing cutting-edge services during this time of social distancing, FREE OF CHARGE. Printed written copy of the details of this program can be found at
  What's cutting-edge at MoAT?
Missouri Assistive Technology is adapting to the "new normal" as well. We are back in the office and scheduling Zoom Meeting consultations and demonstrations of devices.
Contact us at 816-655-6700 to schedule an appointment.  
Did You Know That They Have That at Moat?
The Obi Robotic Feeder helps users to be more independent while eating.
Natalie is an amazing student who wants to be able to enjoy lunch in the cafeteria with her friends as independently as possible. The Obi Robotic Feeder, operated by two single switches, is a great solution for her.
The Taptilo Braille Trainer is an innovative device that makes Braille education easy and fun. Anyone can teach and learn Braille with the Taptilo. Missouri Assistive Technology has one ready for you to borrow through our ETC program.
The jumbo-sized, child-friendly Braille blocks can be easily manipulated by children or older students. Students can easily follow along with games and activities on their own with audio and tactile guidance.

 Assistive Technology Webinars
and Informational Videos 
Play, jam and create music right out the box. Skoogmusic makes easy to play musical instruments for iPad, iPhone, and iOS devices that we can all play.
For some, wearing a surgical mask may not be an option. Scout comes up with another protective solution, which he was able to construct with recycled materials.
This webinar demonstrates the software suite. This software can be used by anyone who wants to create ASL materials for instruction.
Special Offers in AT  
The logo with catch phrase  ASL Tools at Your Fingertips
myASLTech  is a unique suite of assistive technology tools that enable users to: Efficiently create and archive ASL-supported educational materials and quizzes, support text with sign graphics and video in real time,and build and share creations with other  myASL Tech Community  members.
Users can even play games that reinforce ASL and English literacy.
A smiling woman positioned in a wheelchair in front of the Obi Feeder full of food in a restaurant.
Make an appointment with Missouri Assistive Technology to try out the Obi Feeder or contact Obi directly for a 21-day FREE in-home trial of the device.
What’s “App-ening”at MoAT?  
MoAT's Apps of the Week
Try these simple apps to help your student to stay organized and focused while working remotely.
Screen shot of the 4 functions of SuperNote.
This note recording app helps the user to become more organized by capturing notes, photos, and recordings all in one place. This app is $19.99 for a lifetime membership in the app store.
Use this app to help your student to stay on task and compete assignments in a timely manner. This free app allows the user to customize the a visual timer to best suit their needs. Colors and sounds can be set to help to provide both visual and auditory cues for the user. The user can also set a warning signal to indicate when time is running out. (This app is not currently fully functional for VoiceOver users.)
App Atore icon for the Visual Timer app.
The Lending Library and Demo Center at MoAt are now open.
Email Laura Hoffman at to make an appointment to see the assistive technology that is available to you or to schedule a Zoom Meeting tour of our facility.