Community Contemplation

Hello All ,

I hope this finds you and your loved ones well.

If you tried to attend Sunday meditation you know that for some reason Zoom was not working. I hope you found some time for silence and availing yourself to a higher state of being and the fount of wisdom found in being still.

We're sure it was simply a momentary glitch that won't be repeated.

- Zach

Weekly Meditation Session Schedule

Tuesday   5:45 PM  hosted by Ann Barbour and Venu Tummalapalli

Wednesday   9 AM  hosted by Zach Hancock

Friday 9 AM  hosted by Dave Andersen

Sunday 9 AM  hosted by Zach Hancock

Zoom sessions are often co-hosted 

Use the Link / Meeting ID below for  all  of the meeting times unless advised otherwise. 

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 927 7895 1159
Password: hippo

If you have any questions or difficulties don't hesitate to call/text the person(s) leading the meditation you are seeking to attend. 

Mobile #s
Ann 847-826-4339
Venu 224-800-4049
Zach 970-347-7457
Dave 847-691-3866

“Give the child a taste of meditation by creating a climate and atmosphere of love, acceptance, and silence.”
– Swami Dhyan Giten