Dear St. John's Parents:

First, I must thank you for your support and assistance with our online instruction. While our teachers have been working hard to carry forward their curricula over the past two weeks, I have taken comfort from knowing that our children are safely being cared for by you, at home. While I don't know what our governor's decision will be as the two-week window for PCOR1 nears an end, I find it likely that we will remain online for a while longer.

Our vulnerability to this disease has been brought home by a positive test result for a St. John's Upper School student. This student was tested on August 15, after our first week of on-campus instruction. A long ten-day gap before results were reported meant that our ability to notify parents of "close contact" students was delayed. Fortunately, we've received no reports of further spread within the school.

With such broad infection rates on Guam now, it is likely that every family has experienced some close calls, and many have quarantined positive family members to protect the rest of the household. I appreciate the forthright notification of my assistants and me when this happens. Please continue to keep us informed. This will be most essential when we are able to return to our campus.

For now, I implore you to continue monitoring your children's online instruction. Our teachers rely on you to help keep our kids focused. We also need your keen eye in detecting screen burnout and emotional issues. Please communicate any problems or concerns to teachers, the counselor ([email protected]) or administrators.

Our connections to one another must remain strong, even as we are out of sight of each other for now.

Thank you again, and please help keep all our knights safe and happy.

Tel: (671) 646-8080 | Fax: 649-6791