#EAD2019: We Troubled The Waters on Capitol Hill
EAD Director Rev. Dr. Leslie Copeland Tune and leaders from EAD sponsor organizations are joined by #EAD2019 advocates praying at the Capitol Hill office of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's Office in an action supporting legislation enhancing voter access and providing new voter protections. The action was part of #EAD2019's Congressional Advocacy Day and its legislative ask. Click above or here to view the video.

After a full weekend of advocacy education, networking, worship and fellowship, advocates in D.C. caused  #GoodTrouble on Capitol Hill in person on Monday, April 8 as part of #EAD2019- calling for protection and expansion of voting rights in the U.S. and support of democratic endeavors across the globe. 

We urged Congress to strengthen the voices of all Americans in our democracy, and the voices of human rights defenders around the world by working to eliminate violent conflict and all threats to civic engagement and human dignity.
#EAD2019 National Gathering Videos
EAD 2019 Videos
Rev. Dr. Teresa Hord Owens preaches at Interdenominational Worship at #EAD2019.

Videos of the Opening Celebration, plenaries, Movement Builders Panel, and worship are now available from our live stream recordings as well as condensed versions featuring the keynote speakers and preachers. They are accessible on our website to re-live the event and to share with others!
Save the Dates: EAD 2020 Announced
Ecumenical Advocacy Days Director Rev. Dr. Leslie Copeland Tune announced that Christian advocates and their colleagues will convene on the dates of Friday, April 17 to Monday, April 20, 2020  at the Doubletree Hotel by Hilton Washington, D.C. - Crystal City, for its 18th annual National Gathering and Congressional Advocacy Day. Plans and theme for 2020's gathering will be announced later in 2019. Be sure to check the EAD website at  for more information as it becomes available.

Ecumenical Advocacy Days | webmaster | (571) 882-9730