July 2, 2020

MN Department of Labor & Industry Responds to Industry Request

On Monday, AGC received a response  from the Commissioner of the Department Of Labor and Industry (DLI) to our joint Minnesota Construction Industry letter sent Friday, June 26th requesting delayed enforcement action and other modifications to the COVID-19 Preparedness Plan Requirements Guidance. The industry letter appealed for additional time to more fully understand how to comply with the changing Guidance Requirements language before enforcement actions would begin. The Commissioner notified AGC this evening that DLI will not be taking enforcement actions this week (June 29-July 3) for businesses finalizing their COVID-19 Preparedness Plans in accordance with the new requirements. 

DLI held webinars this week explaining the regulations. Questions about the requirements remain and AGC will continue to work to gain more clarity.
Member questions and concerns should be submitted in writing to OSHA Consultation to elevate the significance of the challenges these requirements pose. 
OSHA Workplace Safety Consultation can be reached at .
Additional MN Dept. of Labor and Industry Resources here.

Article by AGC & Larkin Hoffman on revised DLI guidance here.

Federal Resources

The new state level guidance discusses leave scenarios. For information on family leave and pay, the U.S. Department of Labor published a temporary rule on April 1st on the
Families First Coronavirus Response Act.

Families First Coronavirus Response Act Posters in English and Spanish.
Bonding Bill Update

Although the situation is evolving, the AGC Government Affairs team is hearing some positive updates that legislators are close to a bonding bill agreement. The next special session has not been set as of today, but Governor Walz indicated it's likely he will call the Legislature back on July 12th in order to extend the peacetime state of emergency related to the pandemic. AGC will issue a member update with any significant developments related to a bonding bill.  
2020 Sporting Clays Fundraiser Registration is Open

Registration is now open for the 21st AGC Sporting Clays Fundraiser will take place on September 16, 2020 at Minnesota Horse & Hunt Club.

Click here for more information, to register, and for sponsorship opportunities. Contact Lisa Larson with any questions.

The Sporting Clays Fundraiser benefits the AGC of Minnesota Foundation, which provides scholarships to students pursuing a degree in the construction industry. View last year's scholarship winners here.
Jeff Jensen Memorial Construction Safety Excellence Awards

Nominations are being accepted for the Jeff Jensen Memorial Construction Safety Excellence Award  . This award, based on safety standards achieved in 2019, will presented in three different categories. The awards will be recognized this fall at the 2020 AGC Recognition Evening. 

Read more about the award here.

Completed applications are due no later than August 24, 2020 and should be returned to Merry Beckmann or mailed to the AGC office.



Associated General Contractors of Minnesota 

525 Park Street, Suite 110  |   St. Paul, MN 55103