Email Booking Confirmations

Improve your booking experience by turning on email confirmations when you book a tee time; That way you can always be certain your booking information is correct, and you won't have trouble remembering your tee time. To start the season, we are asking players to arrive no earlier than 20 minutes before their tee time. We expect to be busier than usual and so we ask players to be punctual. Email confirmations should be a helpful feature for punctuality, keeping track of your rounds played, and sharing booking details with other players. Simply forward the email confirmation to any other players or guests to pass the information forward. If other players in your booking also have this feature turned on, they will receive the email automatically as well when the tee time is booked.

Members must enable their own settings to allow for email confirmations.

Watch the tutorial below to learn how. It only takes 60 seconds.

We will not be taking online bookings to start the season!

To learn more about booking a tee time, please click the button below