October 22, 2021
ט"ז חשון תשפייב
Candle lighting for
Hollywood 6:28 pm
Parshat Vayera
If viewing on a phone - we recommend rotating to landscape mode for the best viewing experience!
Greetings from the Head of School
Parshat Vayera

This past Tuesday we introduced the students of the 8th and twelfth grade to the Names Not Numbers © Holocaust Documentary Project. The girls will have an indelible experience meeting and interviewing survivors of the Shoah. They will look into their eyes, they will hear their stories, and they will record their memories for posterity. The girls will learn about European history leading up to the era of Nazi Germany and they will be able to bear witness for the witnesses. The clock is ticking. The window of opportunity is almost closed. It is over 75 years since the war ended, the survivors are passing on, and before it is too late, we must make every effort to remember, and not to forget. It is up to us to ensure that the sacrifices our grandparents and great grandparents, our uncles and aunts, our neighbors and friends, made for us, made for Hashem, should not be in vain. 

A number of years ago I took a course in Holocaust education at Yeshiva University with Mrs. Yaffa Eliach (zichrona l’viracha), noted historian, author, and scholar. Mrs. Eliach was the founder of the Center for Holocaust Studies, in Brooklyn, as well as the creator of the "Tower of Faces" made up by 1,500 photographs on permanent display at the US Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C. As part of the course requirement I had to interview a survivor and present my findings to the class.  I interviewed Mr. G. who was known in his neighborhood as the Copyman. He was a printer and after he retired he volunteered to work in the day school making the teachers’ copies. His being a printer in Krakow is what saved him from being killed by the Germans. During the interview he told me that after the war he was very angry at G-d and wanted to have nothing to do with religion. He came to America and met up with his sister, who had survived as well, but who had remained observant. His sister rebuked him and said that if he were not going to be religious, if he would not pass on to his children the family heritage, he was as good as dead, and Hitler had won. That must have resonated with him because when I met him he was shomer shabbos and mitzvot, and had a beautiful Torah observant family. This is the meaning of sacrifice - doing what is right for your family. 

In this week’s parsha, Vayera, we learn about Akeidat Yitzchak. Rav Yehuda Nachsoni writes that the Akeidah has “become a symbol for future generations, because it contains not only the parashah of Akeidat Yitzchak, but also the millions of akeidot throughout the generations of Jews who died Al Kiddush Hashem. This is a reminder, but it is also our prayer, that we should indeed have happen to us what happened to Avraham Aveinu. Ultimately, Avraham did not sacrifice his beloved son but a ram instead. We should not ever have to sacrifice ourselves or our children or our beliefs. The generation of the Holocaust who were subject to the most terrible of nisyonot, tests, did not (for the most part) and should not forget Hashem. 

Chazal say that the pasuk “and your seed shall inherit” (Bereishit 22:17) כִּֽי־בָרֵ֣ךְ אֲבָֽרֶכְךָ֗ וְהַרְבָּ֨ה אַרְבֶּ֤ה אֶת־זַרְעֲךָ֙ כְּכֽוֹכְבֵ֣י הַשָּׁמַ֔יִם וְכַח֕וֹל אֲשֶׁ֖ר עַל־שְׂפַ֣ת הַיָּ֑ם וְיִרַ֣שׁ זַרְעֲךָ֔ אֵ֖ת שַׁ֥עַר אֹֽיְבָֽיו: refers to that future generation of Jews would inherit the great spiritual power that Avraham possessed and they will spread the word of Hashem wherever they will live. 

Many times in life we will be called upon to “sacrifice”. As parents, just paying Yeshiva Tuition is a great sacrifice . But we do this for our children.. “Taking a bold step in the right direction, curbing a debilitating habit, giving up on what we love for something greater is not just a mini-replica, it’s our Akeidas Yitzchok!” Rabbi Label Lam (2016, Torah.Org) 

Life is never easy. As Jews wherever we go we are tested. Just as Avraham Aveinu, and I would add that Yitzchak as well displayed great emunah and fortitude, so too should we remain steadfast in our devotion to bringing the beauty of the awareness of Hakadosh Baruch Hu into the world.  

Have a Shabbat Shalom
Rochelle Brand, Ed.D
Head of School 

Parsha Treats :

And Sarah Laughed - וַתִּצְחַ֥ק שָׂרָ֖ה בְּקִרְבָּ֣הּ

Guess what the Parsha treats were?

Laffy Taffy

Names Not Numbers Introductory Program

On Tuesday, October 19th, the students of the eighth grade and of the 12th grade began their journey into reliving and relaying the memories of survivors of the Holocaust. The girls will be creating an original documentary, entitled Names Not Numbers (c) which will be archived at the Holocaust memorial Museum , at Yad V'shem in Israel, and at the Yeshiva University Museum. The students were introduced to the program by Dr. Brand, who is a close personal friend of the creator of the project, Mrs. Tova Fish Rosenberg. The project has been done in the last 15 years at 50 different schools across the United States- each time bringing to light new aspects of the most horrendous genocide in recent history. The girls learned how to conduct an oral interview from television award winning media specialist, Gila Stern. They learned how to ask questions which would evoke more than one word responses and they rehearsed conducting an interview on each other. Gila will return when they actually meet their interviewees to help them hone their skills. Mr. Michael Puro will teach the girls how to video an interview, edit the "film" and create a story out of their experience. Professor Charney, who has worked in New York with Holocaust survivors will be the faculty advisor for the project. If anyone knows any survivor who would be willing to share their story please email Dr. Brand, R.Brand@shaareibina.org.
Dr. Brand pointing out poster of Elie Weisel "The opposite of love is not hatred, it is indifference."
Professor Charney and students sat spellbound
Students watched highlights of an interview with Dr. Moshe Avital (z'l)
Gila Stern giving tips on conducting an oral interview
Esther Reich sharing her experiences of doing the NNN project.
Eliana Mota will serve as a mentor along with other 12th graders.
The Boss Club

As part of their Life Skills Seminar the students in the twelfth grade are learning how to be entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship is a teaching vehicle to learn and practice financial literacy, people skills and confidence, adaptability and grit, and stewardship through giving back. The curriculum they are following was developed at Baylor University. The students, facilitated by Dr. Brand, are beginning two new "businesses" this coming week. The proceeds will be applied to offset the cost of their senior trip ( hopefully to Israel). Based on the curriculum - one venture is a service based business while the other is a product. The girls will be offering Homework Help to the middle school and will be selling homemade challot. Help support their efforts.

"The Senior Challahs" distributed beautiful, tasty and eye appealing challot of all flavors to those who had pre-ordered. The Hafrashat Hachallah was sponsored this week l'iui nishmat Hadassah Bas Esther Zlata, Yerachmeil Daniel Ben Gedalia, Chana Bas Leib, Moshe Aron Yehudah Ben Chaim Pesach AND for a refuah shelayma for Shimon Daniel Ben Michal, Meir Ben Bracha, Tzvi Yehudah Ben Suri Lanka, Bracha Bas Chaya, Chaya Sarah Bat Simcha.

Sha'arei Bina's "unwritten curriculum" in Action-

Chesed is an ongoing activity at Sha'arei Bina. Every week the girls pack up Shabbat Boxes (Shabboxes) for distribution to senior citizens at an assisted living homes in West Palm Beach, Fort Lauderdale and NMB. The girls also personally visit senior citizens at Est Side Assisted Living in Hollywood, The Imperial Club in Aventura and Flamingo Care, in NMB. .

Donuts for Davening Divas
The 10 Graders were strong role models for the younger grades. They davened with purpose and exuded a powerful, positive energy. They were presented with Donuts and raised the Davening standard!
Next week the Davening Diva's will devour something dietetic.

Last Motzei Shabbat, in commemoration of the Yahrzeit of Rachel Imeinu, Mrs. Bodkins and Ms. Berkman arranged a spiritual kumsitz for the students. The MPR was willed with the girls joining voices, harmonizing and enjoying the camaraderie that a spiritually uplifting evening can bring. Thank you also to Mrs. Azra for helping out
Parent Council Class Events

The Parent Council and the Grade Parents are hosting special evenings events for Mom's and Daughters. We hope to have everyone attend for these fun filled evenings. It is a great way to meet each other and enjoy the same camaraderie the girls do in school.
Spotlight on the Classrooms
Our 7th grade CIVICS class is having such an amazing time presenting their state projects. This week we got the opportunity to hear more about Alaska, Nevada, Texas, North Carolina, New York, and Hawaii. The students were thrilled to share the demographics, geography, climate, and statistics on education, poverty, etc. As a whole, the class was surprised to see how different each state was! The cherry on top was the wonderful treats the students brought in to represent state delicacies. - Ms. Daniel
From the Office of the College Advisor-
Ms. Monica Vera

Schedule of College and Seminary Reps' Visits:
November 7th - Sunday evening - MMY (at the Reich's(
November 11th - Touro College - 12:30 - (Michal Gritz) 
November 12th- Friday - Tiferet 
November 15th - Monday - Rabbi Kurland - Darchei Bina 
November 18th - Tomer Devora - Rabbi Fix - Midday 

Click Here for more information to sponsor a day of learning or email Debbie at Office@shaareibina.org
Mazal Tov to Michael and Ricki Verbitsky, parents of 6 grader, Shaina, on the birth of a new baby boy.
Calendar News

November 14th - Open House
November 15th - Senior Seminar with Mrs. Amy Zukerman
November 17 and 23rd - Parent Teacher Conferences
November 25th - Thanksgiving
November 25- 29 - School Break