The Smooth Flow of Qi
Life is good! You feel like water steadily flowing down a familiar course, bubbly, happy, unobstructed.   
Or maybe you are stressed, feeling stuck—everything is off the rails or quickly headed in that direction. 

On the right track or not loving your life, it’s all about your liver. Your emotions and your life outlook are directly related to this organ. Learn more about your liver and your emotions in our latest blog article.
So Many Teas for You and Me!
There’s nothing like a hot cup of tea after a busy day to relax and rejuvenate your spirit. Caffeine-free and full of health-promoting properties, herbal teas have been used as natural remedies for hundreds of years.

Modern science is providing evidence to support traditional uses of herbal teas and our purveyors are at the top of the industry, combining ancient knowledge with science to provide you with superior blends for your health and enjoyment.
Teas are best prepared with filtered water brought to a boil and poured over the loose tea leaves or tea bag. Cover and let steep for 3–7 minutes.
Discuss your herbal tea options from Acupuncture by Andrea at your next appointment. Or stop by at your convenience to sample a cup and choose your favorite from our wide selection of healthy and tasty teas.
Goji Berry and Hawthorn Berry have been used for centuries by traditional Chinese healers to support the Heart and Liver systems. This renowned formula to aid in digestion was first recorded in 1481. When used in combination these unique berries aid the immune system and maintain and support heart and healthy cholesterol functions.

The herbs in this tea are traditionally used to enhance digestion, remove food stagnation, and resolve accumulations of phlegm and moisture. The combination includes the four primary therapeutic actions relied upon by Chinese doctors to promote weight loss and reduce blood lipids.
This clearing tea, made with high quality Chinese herbs and organic Yerba Mate, uses natural properties and antioxidants to help clear the head and sinuses. 
This cleansing, lightly tart blend of herbs, fruits, and leaves include strawberry leaves, blackberry leaves, and echinacea. These are combined with antioxidant-rich herbs such as Tulsi leaves and cranberry to create the perfect, soothing blend to sip your cold away.
Chinese medicine doctors, acupuncturists and consumers worldwide turn to Yu Ping Feng San as the natural and effective way to boost immunity. This formula is comprised of three simple yet powerful herbs that boost the immune system, including the trendy Astragalus Root, which is considered “the best immune tonic herb in stabilizing and strengthening the protective ‘Qi’ in your body”.
Pumpkin: a Seasonal Powerhouse
We look forward to fall for the wide variety of pumpkin foods and beverages available. Avoid the sugary, synthetic items found at those chain stores and make your own healthy and delicious soups, salads, and desserts.
The pumpkin is an indigenous fruit native to the Americas, but it is now grown worldwide for nutritional and medicinal purposes. Some of the benefits of pumpkin:

  • Tonifies the lungs, spleen, stomach and large intestine and the digestive system as whole. It tonifies the qi by warming the body and ridding it of phlegm and bloating.
  • With dryness and wind dominating the fall season, pumpkin is a great food choice to help generate fluid and moisten the lungs.
  • Pumpkins are high in Vitamin A and zinc and can help with UTI’s, the bladder and prostate, and kidney health.

More the Glory
The greater the difficulty, the more the glory in surmounting it.